uCoz Community » General Information » Other Languages » Romanians (poll)
Vă rugăm să ne spuneţi, de unde aţi auzit de uCoz ?
1. Am găsit sistemul pe Google sau un alt motor de căutare [ 21 ] [44.68%]
2. De la prieteni [ 5 ] [10.64%]
3. Dintr-un alt site uCoz (după un click pe banner sau copyright) [ 13 ] [27.66%]
4. De pe Forum-uri (ex: Forum-uri ale webmasterilor) [ 0 ] [0.00%]
5. Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc) [ 0 ] [0.00%]
6. Altele [ 8 ] [17.02%]
Answers total: 47
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 1 | 12:56 PM
Dragi prieteni! Dorim să ştim mai multe despre voi. Răspunsul pe care ni-l veţi da este foarte important şi ne va ajuta să ne cunoaştem mai bine!
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 886 | 8:47 PM
Darknes, nu prea inteleg cum vrei sa arate in final. Probabil sunt obosit la ora asta, dar expresia "exact ca acest informer, dar vreau apparence nu informer.." nu imi ajuta prea mult imaginatia despre cum ai vrea sa arate site-ul in final. Daca mi-ai da mai multe detalii, as putea incerca sa te ajut. Din cite am inteles, vrei exact acelasi design, dar sa il poti modifica mai usor? Sau vrei un design asemanator. Sau altceva...

Ignora mesajul asta daca nu te intereseaza ajutorul meu. Am deja ceva mesaje pe acest forum si iti poti da seama daca te pot ajuta sau nu.
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 887 | 1:09 PM
Salutare prieteni am o nelamurire in legatura cu Tag-urile eu pe site-ul creeat recent am introdus Tag-uri dar nu stiam cum se face exact prin separarea cuvintelo cheie prin spatiu sau se face prin alte metode: ; , : , ; , - , < , > sau , ?? eu separarea cuvintelor cheie am facuto cu spatiu este OK asa ? wink wink
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 888 | 10:44 AM
shacky, din cite stiu eu, cuvintele cheie se despart prin virgula, dar acum depinde cum se face indexarea. Ca sa vezi daca iti ia corect, cauta dupa cuvintul respectiv (in capitolul site-ului tau, evident).
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 889 | 7:38 AM
OK, multumesc ptr. raspuns CGSMCMLXXV haide ca o sa incerc prin virgula
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 890 | 9:59 PM
Cum pot scoate nr de postari din fata fiecarei categorii? Am atasat o poza.
Va rog sa ma ajutati.

Attachments: 0946427.jpg (56.2 Kb)
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 891 | 7:38 AM
articolenoi, de exemplu, verifica sectionea Main » File Catalog » Module settings din CP. Acelasi lucru e in toate categoriile care pot fi organizate. Daca nu te descurci, spune-mi.
Post edited by CGSMCMLXXV - Wednesday, 2011-07-13, 7:42 AM
Posts: 27
Reputation: 0

Message # 892 | 10:17 AM
i have a very easy way way for you: just add the google translate code on your website template
internet my mom and html are my weak points : www.isurfer.tk
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 893 | 10:25 AM
e-surfer, Google Chrome is doing that automatically, but one can switch directly to Romanian as the default language for Control Panel. That's not an issue. The issue here is to know how the CP is organized and for that you need time which many here don't have it. That's why we have this forum, don't we? wink
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 894 | 12:29 PM
Am rezolvat. Ms CGSMCMLXXV
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 895 | 12:44 PM
Cu placere. Ma bucur sa fiu de folos chiar daca timpul nu imi permite sa dau explicatii detaliate. Imi cer scuze pentru acest lucru.
Posts: 46
Reputation: 0

Message # 896 | 5:29 PM

Vă rugăm să ne spuneţi, de unde aţi auzit de uCoz ?

trebuia sa ma intrebati 4 ani in urma.. si adaugati varianta nu tin minte :))
Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 897 | 8:54 PM
Quote (Muşatinu)
trebuia sa ma intrebati 4 ani in urma.. si adaugati varianta nu tin minte :))

LOL! Asa e cind imbatrinesti (din propria-mi experienta). :))

Ai varianta "altele" pentru asta. biggrin
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 898 | 9:06 AM
Hello - I'd like to add an invitation to my visitors to subscribe to my free newsletter. Is there a way they can click on a link that will subscribe them to my newsletter? Do I need to join some kind of newsletter service? Or create a "group" that will send out my newsletter in a batch to those who subscribe?

I am very new at this - thanks for any help.
my site http://pedronel.ucoz.com

Added (2011-07-14, 3:03 Am)
ca sa pot atrage mai multi vizitatori pe site,as vrea sa -mi pun un modul gen newsletter sau subscribers sunt incepator.site-ul meu:http://pedronel.ucoz.com cry

Added (2011-07-14, 3:06 Am)

Posts: 86
Reputation: 0

Message # 899 | 9:27 AM
Quote (pedro)
Hello - I'd like to add an invitation to my visitors to subscribe to my free newsletter. Is there a way they can click on a link that will subscribe them to my newsletter? Do I need to join some kind of newsletter service? Or create a "group" that will send out my newsletter in a batch to those who subscribe?

The following reply contains the case when you would like to have an e-mail based newsletter system incorporated in the uCoz system. For the online newsletter system only (users to log on your website and see a dedicated page with news/feed and so on), see Site News module.

There are two options here: either you register your website to an atom feeder service (there are quite a few of them on the market) or you create your own system. The first one is straightforward and its implementation depends on the service provider which, usually, requires to add some XML code.

For the second option, you should follow these steps:
1. Encoder:
a) create a JavaScript package which should encode the message in the desired e-mail;
b) attach the JavaScript package to intercept the "add new..." (document, page s.o.s.f.);
2. Transmitter:
a) add an AJAX module (to use the verb GET) to your JavaScript package;
b) create something similar to this forum (you have a forum module incorporated in the uCoz system) with the option;
c) point your AJAX module toward the forum threads (depending on what you would like to have, one or more recipients can subscribe to that thread/channel and, consequently, he/she/they will receive the same news within the condition to ask for e-mail notifications about the new posts in that thread);
d) add a DOM module to create a message in the desired thread, so, instantly, all the subscribed users will receive automatically the message.

Note: AJAX and DOM modules should be in JavaScript. Both required advanced knowledge in scripting.

The design for the second option is flexible here because in uCoz one can use Site News which can have the AJAX module attached and that can ease your work. Nevertheless, if customized news are required for different chapters of your site, then higher granularity is required and, consequently, either a bigger filter for Site News or differentiated JavaScript packages are required.

I know no other way of implementing what you need in the uCoz system. If someone else has a better idea or more knowledge of how uCoz system works, please, feel free to contradict me.

Good luck!

PS: I gave here only the architecture of how the request can be implemented because I have time only for that. For the actual implementation of it, one with decent experience in web programming should be able to do it, but it requires time which means less time for the paid projects. Unless you find someone bored with his/her free time or someone from uCoz to accept and implement this requirement in the system (which can be done easier in PHP), I don't think this kind of project will be taken for free.

Scuze ca ti-am raspuns in engleza, dar cind am inceput sa scriu mesajul, mesajul tau era scris numai in engleza.
Post edited by CGSMCMLXXV - Thursday, 2011-07-14, 9:29 AM
Posts: 100
Reputation: 15

Message # 900 | 10:48 PM
Veşti bune! uCoz s-a lansat pe domeniul .ro! Sunteţi invitaţi să începeţi dezvoltarea de site-uri pe noul domeniu!

Avem plăcerea să vă anunţăm că ne-am lansat pe domeniul “ucoz.ro”, pentru toţi vorbitorii de limba română. De acum înainte, veţi putea crea gratuit site-uri, blog-uri sau forum-uri de tipul “nume.ucoz.ro”, şi beneficia de toate avantajele noului sistem.

Astfel, vă adresăm invitaţia de a vă alătura acestui nou proiect, transmiţând vestea tuturor prin social media (Facebook, HI5, Twitter, Linkedin etc), precum şi de a începe realizarea de pagini web pe noul domeniu. Pentru a vă crea un nou site, trebuie să vă autentificaţi pe uNet, şi să adăugaţi un nou nume cu extensia “.ro”, din lista de domenii existente.

Sperăm ca, împreună, să contribuim la extinderea comunităţii uCoz în România ! Înregistraţi-vă acum !

Daţi-ne un “Like” pe Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ucoz.servicii.web

Şi urmăriţi-ne pe Twitter: @ucoz_ro

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uCoz Community » General Information » Other Languages » Romanians (poll)