Message # 1 | 4:00 PM
Note that I did not create this script, I found it and re-posted it here. This script will rate each thread based on popularity. The rating will be displayed inside the board a long side 'Replies', 'Thread starter' and 'Updates↓'.

Place the following script after the body tag (Control Panel (CP) -> Customize design -> 'General appearance of forum pages'):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if($(this).html() > 0 && $(this).html() < 5 || $(this).html() == 0 && $(this).html() < 9){$(this).html('<img title="Very low" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}
if($(this).html() > 4 && $(this).html() < 25){$(this).html('<img title="Low" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}
if($(this).html() > 24 && $(this).html() < 50){$(this).html('<img title="Normal" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}
if($(this).html() > 49 && $(this).html() < 100){$(this).html('<img title="Good" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}
if($(this).html() > 99 && $(this).html() < 250){$(this).html('<img title="Very good" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}
if($(this).html() > 249){$(this).html('<img title="Great" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}

Note: Each image within the script should work - but I recommend that you download them and replace the addresses inside the script with your own. (You can download them below).

Live Demo: (click on one of the boards inside the address to see)
Credits: Unavailable (N/A)

Images used within the script:

If you would also like to learn how to edit the script, please read below.

For example, here is a line from the script (the text marked blue are editable parts of the script):
if($(this).html() > 4 && $(this).html() < 25){$(this).html('Low" src="" border="0" alt="img" />');}

Each part marked in blue in the above script is described below:
1. '4' - This is the minimum number of views to activate the specific rating.
2. '25' - This is the maximum number of views to activate the specific rating.
3. 'Low' - This is the image title displayed when the mouse is hovering over the rating image.
4. '' - This is the image address displayed when the thread is marked at the specific rating.

If you have any more questions about this feature, ask me here.

This script is no longer functional. Author review required. [3/04/2013]

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.