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uCoz Community » Archives » Locked » Visual Editor for uCoz forum post additions and editing
Visual Editor for uCoz forum post additions and editing
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 1 | 0:05 AM
This tutorial will show you can you can use the 'Visual Editor' for creating and editing threads and comments in the forum. Remember to make a back-up before installing.

1. Make a new folder in your file manager called 'visual-editor' and upload attached files. You must extract icons set (7z-file archive) and then upload all content inside it (plus the js file) to file manager.

Download the following attachments:

2. Go to CP » Main » Customize design » Editing templates Forum » General appearance of forum pages.
Find $BODY$ and paste the following script after it (make sure the link is to the actual JS file):
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/visual-editor/bbcomplexENG.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">var ShowHiddenSpoiler='$USER_LOGGED_IN$';StartBBComplex();</script>

3. Go to CP » Main » Customize design » Forum » New message form.
Find $BBCODES$ and replace with:

4. Open the 'bbcomplex.js' file in the file manager and edit the following part of the script (located near the top):
//Путь к папке с иконками для ВСЕХ кодов, использующих иконки. Все пути иконок будут работать относительно значения этой переменной, так что будьте внимательны.
var DefMsgIconUrl="http://www.yourwebsite.ucoz.com/visual-editor/";

Replace the link with the link to your folder 'visual-editor'. Note: The link to the folder must end with '/'.

I did not make this, I found it on another uCoz Support Site. I also tried it and worked ok for me.
Attachments: bbicons.7z (24.6 Kb) · bbcomplexENG.js (71.6 Kb)

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 11
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 10:14 AM
Thank you for the tutorial.

When I am uploading the files is there a way to upload all of them at once or I have to open every pastes and upload them one by one ?

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 3 | 10:17 AM
Diogopires, yes i think so you need to do it manually one by one or just click the plus sign in the uCoz file manager to upload more.., but be sure to create the same maps in your file manager as you have in your zip or rar file .
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 11
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 4:58 PM
I need help. I cant put the visual editor on !!!!!

Please Help me.

Posts: 301
Reputation: 19

Message # 5 | 5:51 AM
Diogopires, read first post and do exacly as CC teached. If you have problems then be more specific ...
Posts: 156
Reputation: 7

Message # 6 | 1:57 PM

The Visual editor isn't working I have done everything step by step.
I keep getting {?BBPANEL?} tag where should Visual Editor be.

I think the problem is that the js file was not saved in UTF-8 encoding... Because I can't read anything in Russian.

example (not all code is listed here):

var BBComplex=function(){
bbComplex - JavaScript модуль для сайтов системы uCoz
Ð'торая редакция, исправленная и дополненная
Copyright © VACion, 2009

Автор скрипта - VACion, ICQ#: 6-343-207, e-mail: vacion(at)li.ru.
При улучшении скрипта и выявлении ошибок принимали участие Grey, Markoni, FENIX, BRP, AThLoN и некоторые другие участники Ñ"орумов Лаборатории Ð'атсона.
Отдельное спасибо Grey за техническую и моральную поддержку, за бета-тестирование.

Подробная инÑ"ормация: NA


//Переменные настроек(пользовательские)
  //Общие настройки
   //Путь к папке с иконками для Ð'СЕХ кодов, использующих иконки. Ð'се пути иконок будут работать относительно значения этой переменной, так что будьте внимательны.
var DefMsgIconUrl="http://tutorijali.banovci-city.com/visual-editor/";
   //Массив обработки BB-Кодов

Could you point me to the original thread in Russian from where you downloaded the file?


With uCoz since 2007.
Posts: 330
Reputation: 10

Message # 7 | 10:11 PM
Hi everyone, i also was looking a solution for this and here what is working for me:

1. CP > Customize design > Forum > General appearance of forum pages find $BODY$ and after him past the following code:

<div align="center"><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://extracafe.rs/bbcomplex/bbcomplex.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">var ShowHiddenSpoiler='$USER_LOGGED_IN$';StartBBComplex();</script>

2. CP > Customize design > Forum > New message form and delete everything, then past the new code:

<div class="gDivLeft"><div class="gDivRight">
<table class="gTable" id="frM53" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<tbody><tr id="frM54"><td colspan="2" class="gTableTop" id="frM55"><div style="float: right;" class="gTopCornerRight"></div><a name="post">$FORM_TITLE$</a></td></tr>
<tr id="frM1"><td colspan="2" class="gTableError" id="frM2" align="center">$ERROR$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM3"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM4">Ime:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM5">$_USER$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM25"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM26">Naziv Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM27">$_THREAD_NAME$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM28"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM29">Opis Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM30">$_THREAD_DESCR$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM31"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM32"> </td></tr><tr id="frM33"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM34">Anketa:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM35">$_POLL_QUESTION$</td></tr><tr id="frM36"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM37">Odgovori:<div class="pollHelp">Po jedan u liniji. Maximum <b>10</b> .</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM38">$_POLL_ANSWERS$</td></tr><tr id="frM40"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM41">Opcije Ankete:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM42">$_POLL_ONLY_OPT$ <label for="pollonly">Samo anketa (pisanje poruka nije dozvoljeno)</label><br>$_POLL_MULTI_OPT$ <label for="pollmulty">Ukljuci mogucnost izbora vise od jednog odgovora</label><br>$_POLL_PERIOD_OPT$ period ankete (0 - bez limita)</td></tr><tr id="frM43"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM44"> </td></tr>
<tr id="frM56"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM57" valign="top" width="25%">Text Poruke:<div class="smilesPart">$SMILES$</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM58"><div align="center"><?if($BBCODES$)?>{?BBPANEL?}<?endif?> $_MESSAGE$</div></td></tr>
<tr id="frM14"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM15">Opcije:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM16">
$_HTML_OPT$ <label for="ahtml">Ukljuci HTML tagove</label><br>$_MAKE_BR_OPT$ <label for="frmt">Predji na novi red sa tagom <b><BR></b></label><br>
$_EDITED_OPT$ <label for="edited">Dodaj opis "Menjano..." na ovu poruku?</label><br>
$_SMILES_OPT$ <label for="smon">Ukljuci smajlove</label><br>
$_SIGNATURE_OPT$ <label for="sgon">Ukljuci potpis</label><br>
$_SUBSCRIBE_OPT$ <label for="sbon">Ukljuci obavestenja na e-mail o pristiglim porukama</label><br>
<tr id="frM6"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM7">Opcije Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM8">
$_FIRSTONTOP_OPT$ <label for="firstontop">Prikazi temu uvek na vrhu (prikazana na svakoj strani)</label><br>
$_ONTOP_OPT$ <label for="isontop">Važna tema</label><br>
$_CLOSED_OPT$ <label for="isclosed">Zakljucana tema</label>
<tr id="frM50"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM51">Dodaj fajl: <span style="font-size: 7pt;">(ne veci od <b>$FILE_MAX_SIZE$</b>Kb)</span></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM52">$_FILES_UPLOADER$</td></tr>

   <tr id="frM59"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM60" align="center"><input style="width: 110px;" id="frF15" class="postPreview" value="Pregledaj" onclick="prepost();" type="button"> <input id="frF16" name="sbm" style="width: 150px; font-weight: bold;" class="postSubmit" value="-- OK --" type="submit"> <input style="width: 110px;" id="frF17" class="postReset" value="Otkazi" type="reset"></td></tr>
</div></div><div class="gDivBottomLeft"></div><div class="gDivBottomCenter"></div><div class="gDivBottomRight"></div>

Result is:

sorry for my bad english, hope it helps...

Attachments: 9237112.jpg (17.7 Kb)
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 8 | 10:39 PM
VLADA, I got this from uCozers - http://ucozers.ucoz.com/forum/27-48-1 (note that you must be logged in on uCozers to follow the link otherwise it will just take you to the forum).

The JS file provided there is just the same.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 156
Reputation: 7

Message # 9 | 10:43 PM
Tutorial works with the javasript file i downloaded from http://extracafe.rs/bbcomplex/bbcomplex.js

With uCoz since 2007.
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 10 | 10:45 PM
VLADA, good stuff. I believe the one I uploaded doesn't work because it is a translated version by jackass. I has been changed to the one you provided.
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 31
Reputation: -2

Message # 11 | 4:29 AM
Quote (CreativeCollusions)
Creative Collusions is a web & design studio. We have almost 5 years experience with uCoz!

Advocate Network • AlienNRG • GamesCenter

I am Just Asking.

Isn't It Prohibited To Use Signature More Than 2 Lines?

Please Give Me A Reputation or Award, If My Post Helps You
With uCoz Since 2009
Posts: 54
Reputation: 0

Message # 12 | 5:44 AM
Quote (Davor24)
Hi everyone, i also was looking a solution for this and here what is working for me:
1. CP > Customize design > Forum > General appearance of forum pages find $BODY$ and after him past the following code:

<div align="center"><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://extracafe.rs/bbcomplex/bbcomplex.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">var ShowHiddenSpoiler='$USER_LOGGED_IN$';StartBBComplex();</script>
2. CP > Customize design > Forum > New message form and delete everything, then past the new code:

<div class="gDivLeft"><div class="gDivRight">
<table class="gTable" id="frM53" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<tbody><tr id="frM54"><td colspan="2" class="gTableTop" id="frM55"><div style="float: right;" class="gTopCornerRight"></div><a name="post">$FORM_TITLE$</a></td></tr>
<tr id="frM1"><td colspan="2" class="gTableError" id="frM2" align="center">$ERROR$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM3"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM4">Ime:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM5">$_USER$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM25"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM26">Naziv Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM27">$_THREAD_NAME$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM28"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM29">Opis Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM30">$_THREAD_DESCR$</td></tr>
<tr id="frM31"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM32"> </td></tr><tr id="frM33"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM34">Anketa:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM35">$_POLL_QUESTION$</td></tr><tr id="frM36"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM37">Odgovori:<div class="pollHelp">Po jedan u liniji. Maximum <b>10</b> .</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM38">$_POLL_ANSWERS$</td></tr><tr id="frM40"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM41">Opcije Ankete:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM42">$_POLL_ONLY_OPT$ <label for="pollonly">Samo anketa (pisanje poruka nije dozvoljeno)</label><br>$_POLL_MULTI_OPT$ <label for="pollmulty">Ukljuci mogucnost izbora vise od jednog odgovora</label><br>$_POLL_PERIOD_OPT$ period ankete (0 - bez limita)</td></tr><tr id="frM43"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM44"> </td></tr>
<tr id="frM56"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM57" valign="top" width="25%">Text Poruke:<div class="smilesPart">$SMILES$</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM58"><div align="center"><?if($BBCODES$)?>{?BBPANEL?}<?endif?> $_MESSAGE$</div></td></tr>
<tr id="frM14"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM15">Opcije:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM16">
$_HTML_OPT$ <label for="ahtml">Ukljuci HTML tagove</label><br>$_MAKE_BR_OPT$ <label for="frmt">Predji na novi red sa tagom <b><BR></b></label><br>
$_EDITED_OPT$ <label for="edited">Dodaj opis "Menjano..." na ovu poruku?</label><br>
$_SMILES_OPT$ <label for="smon">Ukljuci smajlove</label><br>
$_SIGNATURE_OPT$ <label for="sgon">Ukljuci potpis</label><br>
$_SUBSCRIBE_OPT$ <label for="sbon">Ukljuci obavestenja na e-mail o pristiglim porukama</label><br>
<tr id="frM6"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM7">Opcije Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM8">
$_FIRSTONTOP_OPT$ <label for="firstontop">Prikazi temu uvek na vrhu (prikazana na svakoj strani)</label><br>
$_ONTOP_OPT$ <label for="isontop">Važna tema</label><br>
$_CLOSED_OPT$ <label for="isclosed">Zakljucana tema</label>
<tr id="frM50"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM51">Dodaj fajl: <span style="font-size: 7pt;">(ne veci od <b>$FILE_MAX_SIZE$</b>Kb)</span></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM52">$_FILES_UPLOADER$</td></tr>

   <tr id="frM59"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM60" align="center"><input style="width: 110px;" id="frF15" class="postPreview" value="Pregledaj" onclick="prepost();" type="button"> <input id="frF16" name="sbm" style="width: 150px; font-weight: bold;" class="postSubmit" value="-- OK --" type="submit"> <input style="width: 110px;" id="frF17" class="postReset" value="Otkazi" type="reset"></td></tr>
</div></div><div class="gDivBottomLeft"></div><div class="gDivBottomCenter"></div><div class="gDivBottomRight"></div>
Result is:

sorry for my bad english, hope it helps...

Attachments: 9237112.jpg(18Kb)

CAn anyone help me translate it to english?

Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 13 | 7:32 AM
As far as I am aware it isn't declared a rule at this time - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/30-3739-1

Correct me if I am wrong.

Dangem, you can use Google Translator.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 14 | 9:13 AM
Quote (CreativeCollusions)
As far as I am aware it isn't declared a rule at this time - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/30-3739-1

But it is declared here http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/0-0-0-36 smile
Posts: 54
Reputation: 0

Message # 15 | 3:07 AM
<div class="gDivLeft"><div class="gDivRight">   
<table class="gTable" id="frM53" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">   
<tbody><tr id="frM54"><td colspan="2" class="gTableTop" id="frM55"><div style="float: right;" class="gTopCornerRight"></div><a name="post">$FORM_TITLE$</a></td></tr>   
<tr id="frM1"><td colspan="2" class="gTableError" id="frM2" align="center">$ERROR$</td></tr>   
<tr id="frM3"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM4">Ime:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM5">$_USER$</td></tr>   
<tr id="frM25"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM26">Naziv Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM27">$_THREAD_NAME$</td></tr>   
<tr id="frM28"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM29">Opis Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM30">$_THREAD_DESCR$</td></tr>   
<tr id="frM31"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM32"> </td></tr><tr id="frM33"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM34">Anketa:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM35">$_POLL_QUESTION$</td></tr><tr id="frM36"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM37">Odgovori:<div class="pollHelp">Po jedan u liniji. Maximum <b>10</b> .</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM38">$_POLL_ANSWERS$</td></tr><tr id="frM40"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM41">Opcije Ankete:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM42">$_POLL_ONLY_OPT$ <label for="pollonly">Samo anketa (pisanje poruka nije dozvoljeno)</label><br>$_POLL_MULTI_OPT$ <label for="pollmulty">Ukljuci mogucnost izbora vise od jednog odgovora</label><br>$_POLL_PERIOD_OPT$ period ankete (0 - bez limita)</td></tr><tr id="frM43"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM44"> </td></tr>   
<tr id="frM56"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM57" valign="top" width="25%">Text Poruke:<div class="smilesPart">$SMILES$</div></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM58"><div align="center"><?if($BBCODES$)?>{?BBPANEL?}<?endif?> $_MESSAGE$</div></td></tr>   
<tr id="frM14"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM15">Opcije:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM16">   
$_HTML_OPT$ <label for="ahtml">Ukljuci HTML tagove</label><br>$_MAKE_BR_OPT$ <label for="frmt">Predji na novi red sa tagom <b><BR></b></label><br>   
$_EDITED_OPT$ <label for="edited">Dodaj opis "Menjano..." na ovu poruku?</label><br>   
$_SMILES_OPT$ <label for="smon">Ukljuci smajlove</label><br>   
$_SIGNATURE_OPT$ <label for="sgon">Ukljuci potpis</label><br>   
$_SUBSCRIBE_OPT$ <label for="sbon">Ukljuci obavestenja na e-mail o pristiglim porukama</label><br>   
<tr id="frM6"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM7">Opcije Teme:</td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM8">   
$_FIRSTONTOP_OPT$ <label for="firstontop">Prikazi temu uvek na vrhu (prikazana na svakoj strani)</label><br>   
$_ONTOP_OPT$ <label for="isontop">Važna tema</label><br>   
$_CLOSED_OPT$ <label for="isclosed">Zakljucana tema</label>   
<tr id="frM50"><td class="gTableLeft" id="frM51">Dodaj fajl: <span style="font-size: 7pt;">(ne veci od <b>$FILE_MAX_SIZE$</b>Kb)</span></td><td class="gTableRight" id="frM52">$_FILES_UPLOADER$</td></tr>   

     <tr id="frM59"><td class="gTableRight" colspan="2" id="frM60" align="center"><input style="width: 110px;" id="frF15" class="postPreview" value="Pregledaj" onclick="prepost();" type="button"> <input id="frF16" name="sbm" style="width: 150px; font-weight: bold;" class="postSubmit" value="-- OK --" type="submit"> <input style="width: 110px;" id="frF17" class="postReset" value="Otkazi" type="reset"></td></tr>   
</div></div><div class="gDivBottomLeft"></div><div class="gDivBottomCenter"></div><div class="gDivBottomRight"></div>

sir why this is not working on design number 971
uCoz Community » Archives » Locked » Visual Editor for uCoz forum post additions and editing
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