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Site Catalog Categories?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 16 | 2:10 PM
carloscompu, replace $SITE_URL$ by $ENTRY_URL$ in "Appearance of entries".
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 246
Reputation: 1

Message # 17 | 2:24 PM
Thanks sunny this fix the problem

I need to add some more codes to the template of this catagory ,its amanual funtion cause it cant be done automatically ,Can I Finish the codes in an index page and make the template read these codes from the index.

I need to make one code per user manualy and it wont fit in the normal template cause its only 75.ooo caracter But using an external funtion I can do it and it also will look more organize.
I hope you got the solution.Please.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 18 | 3:22 PM
Quote (carloscompu)
Can I Finish the codes in an index page

By index you mean pages created via Page Editor?

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 246
Reputation: 1

Message # 19 | 4:45 PM
Its not a page or a template
the prob is that Im adding to many codes to the template and I might pass the limit
I need a way posible to fit the codes
Its not something you will view
its only instruction (programing)

ok this is wat im doing
I need user to click on there user name and intead of going to there profile page they will go to there personal muro or wall in english
Because I cant lead users to go directly to there entry cause the entry id

heres an example of wat im building:

On the bottom part of this page as you can see manga created this entry
and as a test on the bottom of the entry i created this
heres the entry

heres the code that im using:
<?if($USER$='carloscompu')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/cyberq_interprise/1-1-0-3"><b>Carlos Compu</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='Glow')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/glow/1-1-0-7"><b>Glow</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='xxPRoF3TioNALxx')?><a href="http://cyberq.org//board/social/xxprof3tionalxx/1-1-0-19"><b>xxPRoF3TioNALxx</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='manga')?><a href="http://cyberq.org//board/social/1-1-0-20"><b>manga</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='titothunder')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/titothunder/1-1-0-9"><b>Titothunder</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='Karolina')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/karolina/1-1-0-11"><b>Karolina</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='Zolrak')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/zolrak/1-1-0-15"><b>zolrak</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='abraham')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/abraham/1-1-0-14"><b>Abraham</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='Zolrak')?><a href="http://cyberq.org/board/social/zolrak/1-1-0-15"><b>Zolrak</b></a></div><?else?>
<?if($USER$='waltito')?><a href="http://cyberq.org//board/social/waltito/1-1-0-25"><b>waltito</b></a></div><?else?>

thats the only way i was able to make users enter there own muro directly But if i do this with all the user it wont fit in the template all the code cause the limit is 75000

So my question is If i can continue the codes in another page in a way that the template can recieve the information from there

I also tried the get code to recieve the body from the user content but it also has aspecific id for each user like this one
<script type="text/javascript">
$('span.getbodyetc').load('/board/0-0-3-0-17 #getbodyetc');
</script><span style="font-size: 18pt;" class="getbodyetc"></span>

this is wat you see at the very bottom of the page but i can only see my muro it wont change to the users entry name

I hope you understand wat im tring to do If there is any other form more easier to do it i will gladly recieve your help
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