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Message # 1 | 0:20 AM
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  • General Discussion

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Pokémon Master
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Message # 1876 | 3:04 AM
CoffeeCone, Good luck with your job, but what is your job?
Posts: 731
Reputation: 8

Message # 1877 | 3:10 AM
YamiTatsuro, I dont know if google+ was out when I was joining fb ...if it did I didnt know about but just the same it places backdoors and its hard to find as I said took a year to notice it...on google search I read somewhere if you just visit a cookie is placed but this cookie is not removeable anyway thats the first i heard about that one but im 100% sure of the backdoor ...its all you im not goin to sit here and say stuff I mean if it means that much to you im not goin to say no im just saying the backdoor will do damage later on sad

Added (2012-06-07, 9:10 PM)
I gotta go cya later

ePal(Join and be rewarded with our new look)
K-Love (Listen Live)
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
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Message # 1878 | 4:02 AM
Pancake, chill bro! Don't believe everything you read on the internet! That's an utter lie.

As for google+, it's just a year old. It started last year, I think may 27?

Added (2012-06-07, 10:02 PM)
Good going LEBRON!! xD

Posts: 342
Reputation: 1

Message # 1879 | 4:24 AM
YamiTatsuro, u still here?? talk to me im boredd

◄]Registered 2012-04-15[►
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 1880 | 4:33 AM
Black-Mage, Yes, I'm still here. What's up?
Posts: 342
Reputation: 1

Message # 1881 | 4:35 AM
oh nothin haha
im trying to figure out how to make it to where you can see a smal list of registered peole on the side...
but ill have to look it up

◄]Registered 2012-04-15[►
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Reputation: 34

Message # 1882 | 4:36 AM
Black-Mage, Use some informers.
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 1883 | 4:51 AM
Quote (YamiTatsuro)
CoffeeCone, Good luck with your job, but what is your job?

I'm a web developer. tongue

Anyway, as I was saying, Pancake, you are being completely misinformed about Facebook and/or Google+ for that matter. A cookie is placed on browsers almost by every website where you have an account on. Even here on uCoz, there's a cookie placed on your computer. Does that make uCoz a distributor of malware? No. A cookie will by no means harm your computer. It's just a way to store data so that the websites will remember who you are the next time you visit. That includes, all your customizations for the website, your preferences, etc. Clearing it is as easy as well. If Facebook leaves "permanent" cookies, and you don't want that, then remove it. As I told you, it's fairly easy to remove. If you're using either Firefox or Chrome, just press Ctrl + Shift + Delete and you will be given an option to clear all your data. Simply check the cookies section and you're good to go! If you're on a mac, use Cmd + Shift + Delete.

As for your claim that Facebook is not safe, well to be honest, nothing is safe. Even uCoz isn't safe. LinkedIn is a good example, I see that you've heard about LinkedIn being compromised, that's just an example of how unsecure things are. Facebook will not know anything about you unless you put it up there. I will put my pictures and information online IF I want to put it at risk. As for "once facebook links into your pc they're your daddy and your there puppet! I guess some people like that. oh well.", as far as I know, there hasn't been any significant improvements with brain manipulation to date. If people get hooked to Facebook, that's their problem and not the company's. If people get hooked to something you're selling, like lemonade for example, does that make them your puppet, and you their daddy? I guess not right?

You probably got infected by a backdoor by clicking links that random people send you on Facebook. But other than that, no, Facebook doesn't want to do that. It's very bad PR for them and as for "Google+ installing backdoors", well you searched through Google Search. It's the same company so theoretically, you should now have a backdoor on your computer.

Sorry for the seemingly long post but I just wanted to defend the social media side of things. tongue

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Post edited by CoffeeCone - Friday, 2012-06-08, 5:15 AM
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 1884 | 5:07 AM
CoffeeCone, What a clear explanation. I wonder if Pancake would believe us now? xD
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 1885 | 5:09 AM
Quote (YamiTatsuro)
CoffeeCone, What a clear explanation. I wonder if Pancake would believe us now? xD

Well I make websites for a living so I guess that came out naturally xD

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 1886 | 5:23 AM
CoffeeCone, so you're a web developer huh? What do you do on your company? uhmm, prevent hackers? @.@
Posts: 342
Reputation: 1

Message # 1887 | 5:30 AM
hate teachers who wont get off my

◄]Registered 2012-04-15[►
Post edited by Black-Mage - Friday, 2012-06-08, 5:30 AM
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 1888 | 5:33 AM
Black-Mage, your what?
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 1889 | 5:41 AM
Quote (YamiTatsuro)
CoffeeCone, so you're a web developer huh? What do you do on your company? uhmm, prevent hackers? @.@

Not really, we make systems for other companies. :P

BTW YamiTatsuro, I made this quick video a few minutes ago -> for this dude -> biggrin

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 1890 | 5:44 AM
aaah. the dude with many questions? good going. xD and I totally forgot about the builder! I've never used it. xD Should I provide the link to him already? Or would you do that?

Added (2012-06-07, 11:44 PM)
I should prolly teach myself builder right now. O.O
