Music on the Site
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Message # 1 | 12:28 PM
You can insert mp3 player into any page or message. It may serve to let visitors listen to various compositions. It may be a background for you site (do not abuse this capability, don’t forget that mp3 files weight quite a lot, and not all users have broadband Internet access. They won’t be able to load your site in case of automatic playback)

It is used in the following way:
By means of the BB-code:

[audio] [/audio]

Having entered the following

we'll get

You can also insert a player with the help of JS-code.
To get it use Multimedia - > Insert audio (mp3)
or Multimedia - > Upload audio (mp3) [after uploading press JS-code near necessary file]
As a result, for the mp3 file at
we'll get the following code

<script src=";small=0;color=0055e9;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can also insert it into any place of your site. Besides, it has controlled parameters (settings), which we’ll describe below.


Values in bold type may be changed from 0 to 1. In this way, you’ll enable them. By means of "color" specify code color.
So, if we change in the code
auto=0 for auto=1 - a song will be played automatically (be careful with this feature, think of those who have slow Internet and paid traffic).

small=1 – will display a small player of two buttons. Here it is:

loop=1 – a file will be played back non-stop (till you press stop)

textoff=1 – will remove text (e.g. "i_love_ucoz.mp3" in the example above)

color=0055e9 (player color management) –instead of 0055e9 write the code of a desired color. Codes can be found out from tables or in Photoshop by clicking on a color.
Example. Let’s take the code of the black color - 000000

<script src=";small=0;color=000000;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

we'll get:

Music as a background

<bgsound src="URL" loop=5 volume=0 balance=0>

URL – file name
loop – number of repeats, if loop="infinite" - unlimited
format - .wav .mid


It is used to insert into pages multimedia content and other files.

<EMBED attributes> </EMBED>

  • height sets vertical size of embedded object

  • width sets horizontal size of embedded object

  • autostart sets possibility to start while loading, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • loop sets number of repeats, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • hidden allows to hide active module, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • src specifies URL of a multimedia file

  • pluginspage specifies URL of the plug-in for playing back a multimedia file

  • bgcolor sets background of the object

  • type specifies multimedia file type

  • quality specifies multimedia file quality

  • alt sets alternative content

    <EMBED src="file.swf" menu="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#000066" width="760" height="410" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></EMBED>

    As you can see from the example you can insert Flash files, as well as video and audio.

    You can write a code with minimal number of attributes

    <embed src="video.avi" width="760" height="410">

    Music in a pop-up (new) window

    There is nothing difficult, use JavaScript

    On the page where you want to place the button "Play music" insert the following code between the < head> tags

    function openWindow()
    muzWindow = open("", "newWindow", "width=300,height=300, status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no");

  • width=300 height=300 – width, height
  • – link to the page with your music

    Then put in any place of the page either the link


    <a href="#" onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</a>

    or the button

    <button onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</button>

    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
  • bodbreed
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    Message # 166 | 3:22 AM
    Paradox,what I mean by file archive is the slot where you are adding an entry in file catalog, its where you upload what the file you want be downloaded.

    Added (2012-11-29, 9:22 PM)
    I think it's "$FILE_DIRECT_URL$"??

    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 167 | 12:35 PM
    XO-Ferg, yes, that's the direct link to an uploaded file.
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    Message # 168 | 2:46 AM
    Now that i've made my .mp3 files into .zip files, my automatic mp3 player doesn't work. Any suggestions?
    Old Guard
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    Message # 169 | 3:23 AM
    XO-Ferg, you can't play compressed files. You need to keep them uncompressed. wink
    Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
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    Message # 170 | 6:36 PM
    Then if I make them uncompressed, they won't download, I can't win! lol

    Added (2012-12-03, 12:36 PM)
    Lol wow, I can download the mp3 and the music player automatically generates now all of a sudden. I hope it stays like this! biggrin

    Posts: 1
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    Message # 171 | 5:19 AM
    For some reasons Background music doesn't seems to work :/.

    I uploaded a .wave file at zippyshare and ye..

    <bgsound src="" loop=1 volume=100 balance=0>

    This was my code, and i reloaded the page and nothing works..
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 172 | 2:57 PM
    Admin-L2Creme, try to upload the file to your File Manager, click "JS-code" and use this code on your website. See the first post on these thread for more info (note: it should be an .mp3 file)
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    Message # 173 | 4:04 PM
    Can I use jplayer on my site?
    It doesn't have any .php files in it.

    Added (2012-12-31, 10:04 AM)
    I have this code:

    <div style="display:inline-block;">
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <div id="lecteur_mp3_19635" style="display:inline-block;">
      <a href="">You need to install the Flash plugin</a> - <a href="">Webestools</a> - <a href="">Flash Mp3 player Generator</a>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      var flashvars_19635 = {};
      var params_19635 = {
      quality: "high",
      wmode: "transparent",
      bgcolor: "#ffffff",
      allowScriptAccess: "always",
      allowFullScreen: "true",
      flashvars: "url=$FILE_DIRECT_URL$&autostart=yes"
      var attributes_19635 = {};
      flashObject("", "lecteur_mp3_19635", "500", "35", "8", false, flashvars_19635, params_19635, attributes_19635);

    How can I make it play whatever field is filled in, whether it's $FILE_DIRECT_URL$ or $RFILE_DIRECT_URL$?
    Old Guard
    Posts: 3284
    Reputation: 145

    Message # 174 | 4:53 AM
    XO-Ferg, I believe it should work. And use a conditional operator in the coding. wink
    Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
    Working as a Support Engineer.
    Been here for 13 years and counting.
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    Message # 175 | 7:48 PM
    Ok thanks
    Posts: 22
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    Message # 176 | 9:33 AM
    Can i download an .mp3 file instead of playing it? (Chrome browser)

    Tried a lot of scripts, but nothing sad

    <a href="file.mp3">Download mp3</a>
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 177 | 12:52 PM
    MitzZa1349, that's not related to uCoz, it is a browser issue, google it. If you want your users to download mp3 files, just use the File Catalog module.
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    Message # 178 | 11:27 PM
    I've noticed that there are some playback issues "sometimes", when trying to play mp3/m4a files in an html5 audio players (only in google chrome) using mp3/m4a that are hosted on an ucoz website. Like the load time is kinda slow and "sometimes" fails. I've tested it in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari & Opera and they all work fine, except for in Google Chrome. Then I tried using an mp3 & m4a file hosted on a 3rd party site & it worked fine everytime.

    Added (2013-10-24, 5:27 PM)

    Quote XO-Ferg ()
    I've noticed that there are some playback issues "sometimes", when trying to play mp3/m4a files in an html5 audio players (only in google chrome) using mp3/m4a that are hosted on an ucoz website. Like the load time is kinda slow and "sometimes" fails. I've tested it in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari & Opera and they all work fine, except for in Google Chrome. Then I tried using an mp3 & m4a file hosted on a 3rd party site & it worked fine everytime.

    Can anyone validate this?
    Here's a test page:
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 179 | 1:58 PM
    XO-Ferg, yes, I can confirm the problem in Google Chrome. It has been forwarded to be analyzed.
    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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    Message # 180 | 4:36 PM
    Quote Sunny ()
    XO-Ferg, yes, I can confirm the problem in Google Chrome. It has been forwarded to be analyzed.

    Ok thanks.