Forum moderator: bigblog |
uCoz Community For Webmasters Design Customization Everything about design #792 goes here |
Everything about design #792 goes here |
Welcome to Ucoz Tell us your design templates, because it help us to tell it how will you change. Otherwise you can change by the help of CSS page like below. If you change Header Image: CP -> Customize Design -> Top part of the website. Add this: <td><img src="" border="0"></td> Before: </tr></table> Example: Quote <table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" height="122"> <tr><td valign="top">$WDAY$, $DATE$, $TIME$<br><?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?><!--<s5200>-->Logged in as<!--</s>--> <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="My profile"><b>$USERNAME$</b></a> | <!--<s3167>-->Group<!--</s>--> "<u>$USER_GROUP$</u>"<?else?><!--<s5212>-->Welcome<!--</s>--> <b>$USERNAME$</b><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($RSS_LINK$)?>| <a href="$RSS_LINK$" title="RSS">RSS</a><?endif?></td></tr> <tr><td><span style="color:#FFFFFF;font:20pt bold Verdana,Tahoma;"><!-- <logo> -->My site<!-- </logo> --></span><br><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$" title="Main"><!--<s5176>-->Main<!--</s>--></a><?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="My profile"><!--<s5214>-->My profile<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$REGISTER_LINK$" title="Registration"><!--<s3089>-->Registration<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$" title="Log out"><!--<s5164>-->Log out<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$LOGIN_LINK$" title="Login"><!--<s3087>-->Login<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?></td> <td><img src="" border="0"></td> </tr> </table> Hope you get this. Enjoy Ucoz Service And Forum Happiness comes to those who are moving toward something they want very much to happen. And it almost always involves making someone else happy.
LOL Gadget |
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