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Everything about design #858 goes here!
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Message # 46 | 0:39 AM
I was curious if I can change the greyish background behind all the content to an image. I've been searching the forums for days trying to find an answer but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 47 | 12:44 PM
JRMEISNER, you need to edit the following:

#contanier {background:url('/.s/t/858/1.gif') center repeat-y #363636;text-align:center;}

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Message # 48 | 8:54 AM
Quote (Armaros)

Could you please, specify what is the actual address for the images in this design? I try to adjust some of them in Photo Shop and need to download. Actually, I found it one time somehow, but don't remember how surprised

Also, one more question about to make this design in 3 columns, so I could have context in the middle, some global blocks on the left and some of them on the right. Thank you
Posts: 558
Reputation: 13

Message # 49 | 2:02 PM
GussySound, It depends on which server your uCoz website is on. I have found out that your website -> Gussy sound is hosted on server s63. So that JPG image is on the following link ->

And yes , you can have 3 columns with global blocks.

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Message # 50 | 9:05 AM
GussySound, adding the explanation Xayaan has provided, you can find those images on any of the existing production uCoz servers. So if s63 is down one day and you still wish to edit some images to get some work done during the downtime, you can access the same image on s101 for example. Alternatively do what Sunny's said below. smile It's all relative to the template path essentially, and not the server.

Also, in relation to editing the template it can be done with a little HTML/CSS editing. The Visual Editor won't pull it off however it is certainly possible through the use of the design customisation features. smile

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
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Posts: 9296
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Message # 51 | 9:23 AM
GussySound, the easiest way to view/save the template images is just to paste their paths (/.s/t/858/2.jpg) after your website address, or the address of any other uCoz website, even this forum, e.g.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 5
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Message # 52 | 12:20 PM
Thank you everyone for your help and explanations. I had found all the images which I want to change or adjust.

However, still have problems making my page in 3 columns. I was hoping that can do it by myself, so didn't post a couple of days. However, seems, I need some help. So I'll try to describe my steps and probably you can help me.

Firstly, I had changed the size in CSS shit and also added a line about centre column, so it looks like that:

/* General Style */
body {background:#363636; margin:0px; padding:0px;text-align:left;}
#contanier {background:url('/.s/t/858/1.gif') center repeat-y #363636;text-align:center;}
#topPick {background:transparent url('/.s/t/858/2.jpg') top center no-repeat;text-align:center;}
#contentBlock {width:1010px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:left;}
#topBlock {height:300px;}
#dataBar {text-align:right;padding-top:35px;margin-bottom:15px;font-size:7pt;}
#logoBlock {height:205px;}
#logoBlock h1 {text-align:right;margin:0px 50px;color:#000000;font-weight:normal;font-size:25pt;padding:50px 0px 0px 0px;}
#navBar {text-align:right;height:20px;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:7pt;margin-top:5px;}
#centerColumn {width:520px;float:left;overflow:auto;}
#rightColumn {width:230px;float:right;padding-top:15px;}
#leftColumn {width:230px;float:left;padding-top:15px;}

Also, I've created an additional global block and made some changes in Site Pages template. So now it looks like that:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>$SITE_NAME$ - $MODULE_NAME$</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="/_st/my.css" />

<div id="contanier">
<div id="topPick">
<div id="contentBlock">
<div id="centerColumn">
<!-- <middle> -->
<!-- <body> -->$CONTENT$<!-- </body> -->
<!-- </middle> -->
<div id="rightColumn">
<div id="leftColumn">
<div style="clear:both;"></div>


However, instead of having context in the middle and global blocks on the left and right side I've got this look of my pages.

It seems to me that I go the wrong way cool

Could you please help me with it? Thank you
Attachments: 5044081.png (487.1 Kb)