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It is possible to code my own informer??? I want to create a dynamic informer that display data depending on the user's request. For example: My blog is open to everyone to post, so my users might want to know his own top entries, this means, his/her most readed, commented or voted entry in the blog. I know that with the informers of uCoz it's impossible, but, can I program my own informer??????
osmanys, you can use custom scripts on your website, so yes, you can definitely try and code an informer you need. Though I'm not sure it will be possible to get and display the mentioned data.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
I have a group of informers to display data like top blogs, top ads, and so on. Also I have informers especific for each module, for example: in the module blog there is an informer that show the users with more entries, the same with the others modules. So in the global block "first container" or something like that (the aside!) I put the code: <?if($MODULE_ID$='blog')?>show informer of users with more entries<?else?>show informer with top entries<?endif?> perfect!! It works perfect, but now my aside section duplicates all of the informers. I've look into the modules template and what I found??: besides the code $GLOBAL_CLEFTER$ there is again the same code that there is in the global block. I can remove the extra code, of course, but it appears again. What I'm doing wrong? Here is the whole code in my GLOBAL_CLEFTER: Code <?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"><!-- <bt> --><!--<s3163>-->Menú de usuario<!--</s>--><!-- </bt> --></h1> <div class="blockcontent"><div align="center"><!-- <bc> -->$NMENU_2$<!-- </bc> --></div></div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?else?> <div class="block"> <div class="blockcontent"> <div align="center"> $LOGIN_FORM$ </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> $GLOBAL_SCFACEBOOK$ <?if($MODULE_ID$='blog')?> <?if($MYINF_12$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"> Usuarios con más historias </h1> <div class="blockcontent"> $MYINF_12$ </div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <?else?> <?if($MYINF_4$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"> Entradas más comentadas </h1> <div class="blockcontent"> $MYINF_4$ </div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <?endif?> <!-- <block877> --> <?if($MYINF_8$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"><!-- <bt> -->Anuncios más visitados<!-- </bt> --></h1> <div class="blockcontent"><!-- <bc> -->$MYINF_8$<!-- </bc> --></div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!-- </block877> --> <!-- <block877> --> <?if($MYINF_11$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"><!-- <bt> -->Artículos más populares<!-- </bt> --></h1> <div class="blockcontent"><!-- <bc> -->$MYINF_11$<!-- </bc> --></div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!-- </block877> --> And here is my aside code in the tamplate of blog: Code <?if(!$HIDE_CLEFTER$)?> <aside> <div class="content"> $GLOBAL_CLEFTER$ <!--<?if($MODULE_ID$='blog')?>--> <?if($MYINF_12$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"> Usuarios con más historias </h1> <div class="blockcontent"> $MYINF_12$ </div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!--<?else?>--> <?if($MYINF_4$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"> Entradas más comentadas </h1> <div class="blockcontent"> $MYINF_4$ </div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!--<?endif?>--> <!-- <block877> --> <?if($MYINF_8$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"><!-- <bt> -->Anuncios más visitados<!-- </bt> --></h1> <div class="blockcontent"><!-- <bc> -->$MYINF_8$<!-- </bc> --></div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!-- </block877> --> <!-- <block877> --> <?if($MYINF_11$)?> <div class="block"> <h1 class="blocktitle"><!-- <bt> -->Artículos más populares<!-- </bt> --></h1> <div class="blockcontent"><!-- <bc> -->$MYINF_11$<!-- </bc> --></div> </div> <div class="block-bottom"></div> <?endif?> <!-- </block877> --><!--/U1CLEFTER1Z--> </div> </aside> <?endif?> Any idea? |
nhjlopez, please do not post the same post in multiple locations.
As to what you're asking - there's no need for someone to PM you regarding your questions, they can all be answered easily here on the forums. Perhaps try and use search before asking questions next time. ![]() 1) In what manner are you trying to add this click-to-enter page? Are you simply wishing it to be a landing page? If so refer to this tutorial on how to do that here: 2) You can change what module displays as the home page of your uCoz website by navigating to Control Panel > Settings > Common Settings, scroll down until you find the option When opening the home page, redirect to. Change this to E-Shop. Good luck. ![]() Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting. |
Is there any way to modify the form for adding/editing ads? I need to provide some textual guide for each of the form fields. I'm triyng with jquery but it's not working.
This is an example code of what I'm triyng to do: Code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var cont = $(document.createElement('<tr><p>Este es el párrafo del div dinámico</p></tr>')); $('#bdM61').before(cont);} ) </script> The element with the id:bdM61 is the first row of the table inside the form |
Can someone help me, i wan to replace code $MESSAGE$ and instead of it put $BRIEF$, the problem is that i used message code long time and there is some description of enteries with it, is there a way to replace it with condititional operators or some script but keep content from message and use Brief code? The reason why i want to remove 1st one is in fact that i dont need big field for smal brief of enteries.
![]() !
Post edited by Ed05 - Tuesday, 2015-07-28, 2:41 AM
they are related bu the fact that $MESSAGE$ is used for entry description, brief code also. But brief is smaler or "short sescription of an entry" So i need to remove message code from html and replace with brief, but like i say so i will lost entry description previosly entered in "message" code. I dont know is it posibile to replace them so text entered in "message" code will stay even there is now Brief code..With some script, maybe its imposibile. Not hurt to ask ![]() !
Ed05, maybe just try
Code <?if($MESSAGE$)?>$MESSAGE$<?else?>$BRIEF$<?endif?> and then use only the brief field for new entries? If I understand correctly what you want to do. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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