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Hints and Tips on design
Posts: 1424

Message # 16 | 12:33 PM
  • How to add 'Legend' ? (re-post)

    First: CP -> Customize Design -> Forum(Common view of forum pages) -> Find: $BODY$
    (If your site/forum doesn't show birth days, than these legends will be after forum statistic)


    To use this variant, copy code bellow & paste after $BODY$.

    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="gTable">
    <tr><td class="gTableSubTop">Color Legend: [<span style="color:#0000FF"><b>Administrator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#088A08"><b>Moderator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#DF0101"><b>VIP</b></span>] [<span style="color:#01DFD7"><b>Registered</b></span>] [<span style="color:#000000"><b>Banned</b></span>]</td></tr>

    Legend-2 (Space before legend)

    To use this variant, copy code bellow & paste after $BODY$.

    <br><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="gTable">
    <tr><td class="gTableSubTop">Color Legend: [<span style="color:#0000FF"><b>Administrator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#088A08"><b>Moderator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#DF0101"><b>VIP</b></span>] [<span style="color:#01DFD7"><b>Registered</b></span>] [<span style="color:#000000"><b>Banned</b></span>]</td></tr>

    Legend-3 (Displays in the middle)

    To use this variant, copy code bellow & paste after $BODY$.

    <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="gTable">
    <tr><td class="gTableSubTop">Color Legend: [<span style="color:#0000FF"><b>Administrator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#088A08"><b>Moderator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#DF0101"><b>VIP</b></span>] [<span style="color:#01DFD7"><b>Registered</b></span>] [<span style="color:#000000"><b>Banned</b></span>]</td></tr>

    Legend-4 (Displays in the middle & with space before legend)

    To use this variant, copy code bellow & paste after $BODY$.

    <br><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="gTable">
    <tr><td class="gTableSubTop">Color Legend: [<span style="color:#0000FF"><b>Administrator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#088A08"><b>Moderator</b></span>] [<span style="color:#DF0101"><b>VIP</b></span>] [<span style="color:#01DFD7"><b>Registered</b></span>] [<span style="color:#000000"><b>Banned</b></span>]</td></tr>

    Note: These Legends will be in the same theme as your forum is.

  • Silver296
    Posts: 1
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 17 | 5:16 PM
    ok i have to questions. One - How do i edit forum names, add forums, & add sub forums like this site has? Two - How can i add a shoutbox so people can just talk to each other?
    Link to my website -
    Posts: 487
    Reputation: 77

    Message # 18 | 5:27 PM
    Quote (Silver296)
    How do i edit forum names,

    CP > Forum > Management of forums and sections

    Quote (Silver296)
    & add sub forums

    Sub forums cannot be added in uCoz.

    Quote (Silver296)
    How can i add a shoutbox so people can just talk to each other?

    Go to your CP and install the module called "Tag Board".

    Posts: 58
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 19 | 5:01 PM
    I do all like right and when i want to save that show me acces denied
    I kinda wanted to make like a commercial box to put some commercials

    Sorry for my english.Im from Europe.
    Post edited by Archii - Sunday, 2009-01-04, 7:39 PM
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 20 | 9:52 PM
    You can't do 'all right' if it gives you access denied. How is this possible if you have to work in CP source!
    Posts: 27
    Reputation: -2

    Message # 21 | 11:53 AM
    How do I change the time zone in this clock for central american time zone
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 22 | 12:36 PM
    Quote (easysharez)
    How do I change the time zone in this clock for central american time zone
    In Control Panel -> Settings -> Common Settings.
    Posts: 5
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 23 | 5:25 PM
    I can't get his to work.

    I have now tryed the thing with the Source code. But that doesn't help me.

    I want to give this:

    Another colour, how? What to edit? - Style sheet #211. Thanks.

    Proud owner of

    New World of Warcraft - Private Server Community. Come join us, to help us grow even bigger.

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 24 | 6:40 PM
    Save this to your PC:
    Edit it with image tool, like photoshop, or w/e.

    Upload new, the edited, image to your file manager &
    take url. Go to Customize Design -> Quick replacement

    Replace by: --Enter new image url here--

    Posts: 1
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 25 | 3:11 AM
    Hi Can anyone tell me how to scrool the sentence in our website.... U CAN GET IDEA FROM FOLLOWING WEBSITE. CLICK HERE
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 26 | 7:32 AM
    saipardhu1505, is it so difficult to first read the thread? -
    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
    Posts: 2
    Reputation: -1

    Message # 27 | 2:11 PM
    hey guys..

    i still dont know how to make another box in the main page of my site (
    i really want to know coz i dont like the straight line


    this the official site of The Saints with box..

    mu other site

    is this enough example so u guys can help me ?

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 28 | 2:38 PM
    That's not uCoz default template...
    Posts: 2
    Reputation: -1

    Message # 29 | 1:11 AM
    how can i make my site like this guy ?


    this guy have another box on main page

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 30 | 2:19 AM
    We do not provide the content & custom templates. You need knowledge
    to make something like that & we wont teach you coding nor PS'ng here.