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Connect Facebook to a Website with a Custom Domain
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:32 PM
Owners of websites with custom domains couldn't use social posting for quite a while, and now they finally have this possibility!

Let's start. Firstly, you need to get the Developer status for your Facebook account. Log in to Facebook and go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps . If you account has already the Developer status, you can proceed to app creation:

If you have an ordinary account, you will see the following:

Click Register Now in the top right corner. Follow further instructions. You will need to enter your phone number to verify your account if you didn't do it before. If you don't receive a text message with the verification code within 5 minutes, request a new one. Then set up your developers profile (you can actually choose any areas of activity, any experience level).

That's it. You have registered as a developer and can start creating an app for your website:

1. Open https://developers.facebook.com/apps , and click Add a New App.

2. Select the platform (Website):

Click Skip Quickstart:

Fill in the fields in the window that will appear:

Switch to the app Settings, click Add Platform and choose Website:

Fill in the fields as on the screenshot below:

App Domains: enter your custom domain without http://
Contact Email: enter your email address
Site URL: enter your custom domain with http://

Click Save Changes.

Go to Status & Review tab and change the setting to Yes:

3. Now you have your own application that you need to connect in the website Control Panel:

Enter the data and click Continue. If the app data (App ID and App Secret) have been copied correctly, you will see the following:

Click Connect. That's it! The app has been connected and you can now post to Facebook.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 31 | 11:19 AM
Animorph, provide the website URL where you have the error.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 185
Reputation: 6

Message # 32 | 6:14 AM
Adrian0136, aici limba oficială este engleza iar toate întrebările se adresează în această limbă. Dacă dorești să continui conversația în limba română, te rog să o faci în cadrul comunității pentru România, aici: http://forum.ucoz.ro/forum/31-3152-2#26627.
Good things come to those who wait!
Posts: 134
Reputation: 0

Message # 33 | 0:06 AM
Any modifications going to be made for the new facebook dev API? just wondering if there are any plans for it yet or not
Check Out Rservices & RandomAndroid at: http://http://www.randomness-fun.com/ Hosted by Ucoz also come come check out our official Android IRC chat room at: http://www.randomness-fun.com/index/rservices_irc_chat/0-34
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 34 | 4:33 AM
Hello Mark-ucoz-co-uk, I can clarify this one for you, however, if you'd provide a lil' bit more details, it would be much appreciated)
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 35 | 10:10 PM
How it works with Reviews in Year 2019? I think this needs a update
Posts: 1770
Reputation: 78

Message # 36 | 12:11 PM
colognehiphop, what do you mean? That's a Facebook feature, I don't think there's anything that uCoz can do about it? Please be more descriptive.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
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