User Login Page and User Login Form
Posts: 11
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Message # 16 | 4:35 AM
I was trying to follow the previous post about changing the login form languages. I need to clarify the prompt on this pop up screen, which is probably easier to do. Can someone help, please?
Attachments: 2377430.jpg (7.7 Kb)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 17 | 2:38 PM
Lu, Go to Control panel: Settings->Common settings->Site language (choose the language you want and press Save) The site language will be changed as well as the login form. If you want to change the form only: Control panel->Design->Design management(templates)->User login form (Change the words you need to be changed manually)
Posts: 11
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Message # 18 | 7:23 AM
Natashko, thank you very much, but I do not to change the language... What I need to change is instead of "email:" prompt say "username or email". I know that both work to get access to the page, but the prompt on the pop-up window is misleading.
Control panel->Design->Design management(templates)->User login form does not change the pop-up window, it changes the static login menu from the building block. To illustrate what I need - please take a quick look at our webpage
You will see that we are using login form in the bottom and pop-out window comes from the "login" link on top. I changed one before through the template, but need to change another as well.
How can I?
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 19 | 8:21 AM
Lu, it is possible to be done by means of JavaScripts. Make sure you know how to use them before making changes.
Posts: 11
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Message # 20 | 6:38 AM
OK - so where can I find the code for that Java Script so I can change it?
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 21 | 11:01 AM
Lu, surf it on Internet cool
Posts: 11
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Message # 22 | 1:28 PM
you are not answering my original question :
Quote (Lu)
I need to clarify the prompt on this pop up screen, which is probably easier to do. Can someone help, please?
Attachments: 2377430.jpg(8Kb)

Where is a code for this pop-up window, so I can modify it with Java scripts or whatever? All I need is to change the prompt, should not be too complicated...
Posts: 11
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Message # 23 | 12:46 PM
I see. thank you, Natasko. I kind of thought so, but here is an article on how to creat your own pop-up windows so I thought I can recreate login with the prompt that make sense

If it is a server code, perhaps you can fix this bug on your side smile rather than me fixing it locally?

Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 24 | 7:36 AM
I want to change the term "Login" into "Username" found in the pop-up ajax window when the "Forgot Password" is being clicked. How can I change that? Please help.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 25 | 8:10 AM
khen, I am not sure I understand which pop-up ajax window you mean. Is it the usual login form to the website (local users)? Please provide a screenshot.
Posts: 475
Reputation: 13

Message # 26 | 12:21 PM
This one:

This is pop-up window of the "Lost Password".

How can I change the term "Login" into "Username"? My new users always find it confusing whether "Login" refers to username or email address.
Attachments: 2120125.jpg (12.4 Kb)

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 27 | 12:58 PM
khen, there is no standard system solution for this. It can be done by means of JScripts only. Unfortunately, we do not provide help with it.
Posts: 1
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Message # 28 | 3:03 PM
How can i remove log in page on my site, i dont want users to log in for access to my site
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 29 | 3:16 PM
Quote (Donnie)
How can i remove log in page on my site, i dont want users to log in for access to my site

You may just disable module Users in CP->Users » Module settings->Activate "Users" module:->uncheck the box and Save. But keep in mind that your website might be disablled for inactivity, if none visits your website. See more about it here:
Posts: 65
Reputation: 3

Message # 30 | 11:28 AM
Yes Natashko, is right. cool
Happiness comes to those who are moving toward something they want very much to happen. And it almost always involves making someone else happy.
