Local users
Posts: 3366
Message # 1 |
8:51 AM
LOCAL USERS The 'Local users' sign-in system can be enabled for a website in its Control Panel -> Users -> Module settings -> Allowed methods of users authorization. - When a user signs up to a website with local sign-in system, he/she becomes a user of only one website (the one he/she has registered at). Webtop and User Bar are not available on the website with local authorization. Local users can't log in to other uCoz websites with the same login data, they have to sign up to other uCoz websites again.
- Local users log in to the websites by means of a Username (not e-mail) and a Password. uID authorization is not possible on such websites.
- Local authorization feature is not a system one, that is why it is a paid service. To enable local authorization feature you need to pay once for one of the paid plans and the feature will be enabled for the whole period of the website existence!
Posts: 37
Message # 31 |
11:22 PM
Well Shoot, That sucks ok Thanks Glen
"I Have No Gills, Therefore I Fish" "Love The Wife, Fish Hard, Fish Till You Die" www.glenscustomrods.com
Posts: 313
Message # 32 |
1:01 PM
Do I get the "local user" option with a Business or Advanced package, or do I have to get the Premium package?
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Message # 33 |
1:02 PM
XO-Ferg, any premium package provides the 'local users' option as part of them.
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy. Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 313
Message # 34 |
1:30 PM
Wait so a business package is considered a premium package? Its just confusing because there's a package named premium...
Posts: 9296
Message # 35 |
1:42 PM
XO-Ferg, a premium package = a paid package. Though you are right, there is also a paid package called "Premium". But in any case, you can buy any of the packages to enable the local users on your website.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 313
Message # 36 |
6:46 AM
Ok thanks for answering so promptly, because i plan on purchasing a package today or tomorrow.Added (2013-01-24, 0:46 AM) --------------------------------------------- How come users can't upload their own avatar during registration using the local user registration form?
Posts: 9296
Message # 37 |
10:10 AM
XO-Ferg, make sure the option Enable "Avatar uploading" feature for users is enabled in CP -> Users -> Module settings.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 313
Message # 38 |
1:18 PM
I do and it still only has the "select avatar" option...
Posts: 9296
Message # 39 |
4:25 PM
XO-Ferg, you need also to enable "Upload own avatars" for Guests in CP -> Users -> User groups.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 313
Message # 40 |
4:33 PM
Posts: 45
Message # 41 |
2:13 AM
Wait, just to be sure. I can buy the cheapest package, which is the basic one, and I will still have the ability of local users? And for example, if the package expires, will their accounts be deleted? Just been curious, as I will for sure need local users for my business. And was wondering how much I have to pay to get this option.
Kind Regards, Mac.
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Message # 42 |
3:24 AM
Maczo, if you purchase any premium package (even basic) you can enabled Local Users. Once enabled local users will remain active and available to be enabled unless you disable it manually outside of the premium package time frame.
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy. Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 45
Message # 43 |
4:20 AM
So to clear things up, you mean if I buy even the basic package for 1 month, and then it exprires. My website will still have local users? If so, that is great.
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Message # 44 |
4:30 AM
Donught, indeed.
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy. Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 24
Message # 45 |
11:01 PM
Quote Sanjay_149 (  ) Become a premium user and continue using "Local users" Which package to buy for 'local users'? If i buy "Basic ($3.09)" Will I have that option?
EDIT: I'M sorry, i did not se.....there is answer for this question, i will look better next time.
Post edited by HeLpeR - Wednesday, 2014-07-09, 11:15 PM