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Thanks button in forum
Posts: 6
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 7:58 AM
I success about do it!
I replace "respect = image "Thanks" so if you click thank => point respect will plus!
And coin system - I stick image coin behind a point respect smile

I feel interesting. Thanks ucoz so much! tongue

My site: http://pishin.ucoz.com

I come from VietNamese. Sorry about my English
Welcome to my forum
Post edited by pishin - Sunday, 2008-09-21, 7:59 AM
Posts: 22
Reputation: -1

Message # 2 | 10:53 AM
I didn't get you wacko

can you explain it graphically?

Posts: 6
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 11:46 AM
Oh! you can see it in here I'am sorry! You can find soft to make a button and find image coin in google [look small size]
And go CP->Customize Design -> Appearance of entries -> stick image near respect and click-right copy link of (+) and stick this link into image. I'm sorry my English sad

I come from VietNamese. Sorry about my English
Welcome to my forum
Posts: 22
Reputation: -1

Message # 4 | 1:17 PM
I did check it. It really rocks booze
Posts: 3
Reputation: -1

Message # 5 | 8:56 PM
i dont get it.can you explain litle better?i can find respect word,do you mean reputation?,give us some photos,i dont understand you. sad but i really much want to add thanks button,so i will be really grateful to you if you explain better

Added (2008-09-21, 2:56 Pm)
cry please tell me happy

Post edited by thasoldier - Sunday, 2008-09-21, 5:11 PM
Posts: 6
Reputation: 1

Message # 6 | 12:06 PM
Ok i will upload picture for you. Wait me!

Added (2008-09-22, 6:06 Am)

Hope you success! smile

I come from VietNamese. Sorry about my English
Welcome to my forum
Posts: 3
Reputation: -1

Message # 7 | 2:11 PM
ok,thanks happy but i want to ask you one question when you press thanks, will appear a window like this?
or if you press thanks you will just increase the reputation?
If is the second,you re the best cool

Posts: 6
Reputation: 1

Message # 8 | 3:02 PM
that is! write text and click increase ^^! Nice to meet you smile
I come from VietNamese. Sorry about my English
Welcome to my forum
Posts: 3
Reputation: -1

Message # 9 | 5:59 PM
Thanks:D nice to meet you too:D
Posts: 17
Reputation: -6

Message # 10 | 0:42 AM
But what he dosnt want t say thanks
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 11 | 4:54 PM
wow ive done it. It rules! Ty pishin...
Click here to see my forums... And click a section and thread to see what i have done using pishin's help.
Just incase your wondering were i got my money icon from. I got from http://www.iconarchive.com/...

..:: GAME REBOUND ::..
Please register on my website
Posts: 6
Reputation: 1

Message # 12 | 2:44 AM
hi guys, so i searched reputation, the only other post that kind of answered my question was far from being understood as the person posting knew minimal english. I also looked through the other posts and so far i have no cue as to the answer to my question. If i am double posting, sorry in advance.

So basically, i want to know if i can change the reputation of a person when they post into just one button that once click by other members adds the number of 'thanks' they have gotten, instead of

Reputation: 0 +,
i want just
Thanks: 0

and the thanks should be a button that just by clicking, the number beside it increases.

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 13 | 1:48 PM
Maryasha, we suggest you go to CP->Main » Deign->Design management->Forum->appearance of entries->find "Reputation" and substitute with "Thanks"->Save
Quote (Maryasha)
and the thanks should be a button that just by clicking, the number beside it increases.

I am afraid it is not possible
Posts: 93
Reputation: 0

Message # 14 | 8:24 PM
Quote (Natashko)
I am afraid it is not possible

Not totally sure on that actually..

If you go to the same location of Design Management, and find the coding area for adding reputation, find the text '+' and replace the '+' with the word "Thanks" or whatever word you would like, it may work. Then you can also move that to a new line or something so its not too crowded.

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 15 | 8:40 PM
HorseIsleSense, you are just saying the exact thing as natashko , if an answer is already been told to a user don't double post it or confirm it if its a staff member , it give's an impression that you only want to have your post count increasing
To busy building a passive income online ;)
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