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.Unity3D compatibility with ulightbox...
Posts: 313
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 10:19 PM
Is the .unity3d extension compatible with ulightbox used in the online games module? If not will it be implemented in the future?
Also if anyone doesn't know what Unity 3D webplayer is, Miniclip uses that file extension for a lot of their games now.
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 2 | 0:08 AM
XO-Ferg, I believe ulightbox simply displays content (with a max size of the actual window).
So if a embed code of the .unity3d file is added as content, and the user has the player installed, then yes, the game will show, and probably without any problem at all.

I searched around, and found the following embed code, don't forget to add in the link and name of the .unity3d.
<object id="UnityObject" classid="clsid:444785F1-DE89-4295-863A-D46C3A781394" width="600" height="450" codebase="http://webplayer.unity3d.com/download_webplayer/UnityWebPlayer.cab#version=2,0,0,0">
<param name="FULL ADRESS TO .UNITY3D FILE" value="NAME OF .unity3d" />
<embed id="UnityEmbed" src="FULL ADDRESS TO .UNITY3D FILE " width="600" height="450" type="application/vnd.unity" pluginspage="http://www.unity3d.com/unity-web-player-2.x" />

Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com
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Post edited by PixelKhaos - Tuesday, 2013-07-30, 0:09 AM
Posts: 313
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 4:33 AM
Thanks appreciate that.
Posts: 60
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 1:39 PM
XO-Ferg, what kind of item you are about to install can i wiki it?
i will be glad if you give me some description i think it is a valuable information...
sorry if i dont know what your talking about but i will listen to what you are sharing..
thanks alot..

Posts: 313
Reputation: 1

Message # 5 | 5:58 PM
Well I tried using the url in the ulightbox but it didn't show. Although your code worked, .unity3d files make my browser run extremely slow and sometimes crash. So all in all, I don't think it even worth implementing as a whole.

Quote (dense)
XO-Ferg, what kind of item you are about to install can i wiki it?
i will be glad if you give me some description i think it is a valuable information...
sorry if i dont know what your talking about but i will listen to what you are sharing..
thanks alot..

Well Unity 3D webplayer is an advanced web player that is used to handle advanced online games, almost mmo quality.
If you want to learn more just google "Unity Web Player".
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 6 | 10:25 PM
XO-Ferg, what browser are you using? As for Firefox and Chrome it should work just fine.
If it slows down that much, it should be either the file itself, outdated player or your computer.
Is the file externally hosted? If so, where?

Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com
PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos

I can help you develop your site for a small fee.
Posts: 313
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Message # 7 | 10:32 PM
I'm using chrome and the file was externally hosted on miniclip
Post edited by XO-Ferg - Tuesday, 2013-07-30, 10:32 PM
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 8 | 10:37 PM
XO-Ferg, can you link a page where you have added a unity game?
Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com
PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos

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Posts: 313
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Message # 9 | 11:40 PM
I deleted it but, but I'll add it again, one moment.

Added (2013-07-30, 5:40 PM)
PixelKhaos, http://www.ventlyfe.com/stuff....-0-5297

Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 10 | 2:58 AM
XO-Ferg, I am not experiencing any problem with slowing down at all, the game loads quickly and everything works smooth. So could probably be your end the problem lies.

As for adding the embed for unity games in the popup windows; I can throw together a fix for you tomorrow (coming next 12 hours).

Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com
PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos

I can help you develop your site for a small fee.
Posts: 313
Reputation: 1

Message # 11 | 3:00 AM
PixelKhaos, yeah it loads normal for me too now, I used another link, not the miniclip one. Thanks a bunch!
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