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Script no1
Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 1 | 2:03 AM
Ok, i dont know where to put this trhread. But im interesed for script with i can put some things on my personal profile for example video box ,etc.. and that video must be just on my profile. when ever i try to put some thing specialy for me in my profile it apears on all users profiles on my site. which code do i have to use here?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 9:44 AM
Ed05, you need to use conditional operators: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-471-1
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Posts: 556
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Message # 3 | 8:26 PM
Sunny, thanks, but for me that not work. i try this

<?if($_USERNAME$='admin')?>Admin, don’t forget to read e-mail every day. <?endif?>
and it works now.

Post edited by Ed05 - Wednesday, 2013-10-02, 9:22 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 8:04 AM
Ed05, so have you resolved the problem?
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Posts: 556
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Message # 5 | 11:21 PM
Sunny, yes, but i have another problem. Now im truing to add custom field for users who want to put video in their profile but i dont have custom fields in page of editing users profiles.
I want to users them self put link in their profiles (youtube link) and they have his own music box. but i dont have custom link field for that. i try with $_WWW$ field but that have automatic prefix http:// wich i cant remove so in embed players come to error in video loading. cause two http:// .
Here is the code wich im truing to use :

<iframe width="190" height="135" src="$_WWW$" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I try so many other combinations but none of them wont work cause prefix http.
I hope that you understand what i mean. ist litle complicated.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 8:04 AM
Ed05, what about other fields, like MSN or Yahoo? Their max. length is 30 characters which will be not enough for an ordinary YouTube link, but must be enough a shortened link like http://youtu.be/uXrmdbGkogs
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Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 7 | 0:28 AM
Sunny, i have suceed. I combined yahoo with some i frame code. I did not know that yahoo dont have prefix http and thats the secret of my suceed ,thanks to you. Thanks again for help. rep +
Post edited by Ed05 - Sunday, 2013-10-06, 1:18 AM
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