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Forum moderator: Eriko  
Everything about changing Image size goes here
Posts: 15
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 11:35 AM
hi.. can anyone help me to change my informer image size to a larger size?

i want my photo of the day to be larger than other image on my main page...

here is my site:


hope i'm on the right thread...
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 2 | 12:31 PM
Basti, do not use
in the template of the informer. Substitute it with either
<img src="$PHOTO_URL$">
<img src="$PHOTO_DIRECT_URL$">
Posts: 15
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 2:03 AM
This is what i use in Informer Template..

<div align="center"><a href="$PHOTO_URL$">$PHOTO$</a></div><div align="center" style="padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:5px;font:7pt">[<a href="$CAT_URL$">$CAT_NAME$</a>]</div>
Rating: $RATING$/$RATING_NUM$<br>
Rated: $RATED$<br>
View(s): $REVIEWS$<br>
Comment(s): <a href="$COMMENTS_URL$">$COMMENTS_NUM$</a>
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 4 | 1:01 PM
Basti, I suggest you use this code
and then reduce the size of the image by means of width="..." height="...". Keep in mind that the size of the loaded photo will not be changed, so it might take time to load.
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 1:01 PM
Hey, I have a few problems I couldn't figure out, so I thought I would ask here, on the forum.
And also; I couldn't find a suitable title for this thread..

First question: I want to create a picture site, similar to www.artige.no. But I can't seem change the size of the demo image, to show the whole picture. For example; if I change the width and height to 500x500, it'll reset to 130x130. I remember a long time ago, I figured this problem out. Something like 400x340 (for example), but now, I can't remember it.

Second question: I have changed the permisson of all groups to allow viewing of a picture(and page with photo) , but when I try to view a picture as a guest, it tells me that I'm not authorised, and that I have to login to view this page. Anyone know how to fix this?

Third question: Can I put the sorting menu on the first page(.com/photo/)? I have tried, but I can't figure it out..

I had a few question more, but I forgot em, so I'll probably post them in the comments field if I remember them.

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 6 | 1:01 PM
Quote (mabala)
First question: I want to create a picture site, similar to www.artige.no. But I can't seem change the size of the demo image, to show the whole picture. For example; if I change the width and height to 500x500, it'll reset to 130x130. I remember a long time ago, I figured this problem out. Something like 400x340 (for example), but now, I can't remember it.

I suggest you edit the "Appearance of photo entries" template and substitute $PHOTO$ code with
<img src="$PHOTO_DIRECT_URL$" />
- link to a photo file (reduced version) or
<img src="$PHOTO_URL$" />
photo direct link and change the size of it, because it is not possible to change the size of the demo picture to the one you wanted in module settings.
Quote (mabala)
Second question: I have changed the permisson of all groups to allow viewing of a picture(and page with photo) , but when I try to view a picture as a guest, it tells me that I'm not authorised, and that I have to login to view this page. Anyone know how to fix this?

Please, provide a website name and a screenshot of your group permissions.
Quote (mabala)
Third question: Can I put the sorting menu on the first page(.com/photo/)? I have tried, but I can't figure it out..

It is not possible as far as I am aware.
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 1:02 PM
I fixed the front page by adding the code

I have included a picture in this post, and the website link is: http://lolhumor.ucoz.com (yeah, I know, lame..)


ninjaedit; I fixed the "sorting menu" by adding these codes on the main photo page;


second edit..: Why can only everyone exept guests, users and blocked add tags and view the full image with comments?

Attachments: 7589494.png (96.9 Kb)
Post edited by mabala - Sunday, 2011-05-01, 3:04 AM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 8 | 1:02 PM
Quote (mabala)
Why can only everyone exept guests, users and blocked add tags and view the full image with comments?

Please be more specific. What do you mean by "add tags"? I have visited one of your websites as Guest and was able to see full image with comments. Provide the correct website name and a screenshot of what you meant.
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 9 | 1:02 PM
Sorry for not being clear, but what I meant by tags is that you can add tags to you're photos, that way you can use the search module to find pictures via tags. There will usally be a "tags" field under photoname in the Photo Album, when you're adding a new picture. But for some strange reason, this field only showes up when you're logged in as Admin or Mod.

I have visited one of your websites as Guest and was able to see full image with comments. Provide the correct website name and a screenshot of what you meant.

Hmm... That's weird, it's not like that at all for me.

And also; I've turned on entries added by Guest's and User's must be verfired by a mod or admin, but it's not working. The pictures will show, with or without an activasion from a mod or admin.
Some pictures will show up as a error image when they're not verified by a mod or admin.

I've added a few pictures in this entry,

Attachments: 6413258.png (29.8 Kb) · 1891480.png (6.2 Kb) · 0326678.png (373.2 Kb)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 10 | 1:02 PM
Quote (mabala)
Sorry for not being clear, but what I meant by tags is that you can add tags to you're photos, that way you can use the search module to find pictures via tags. There will usally be a "tags" field under photoname in the Photo Album, when you're adding a new picture. But for some strange reason, this field only showes up when you're logged in as Admin or Mod.

The field "Tags (separated by comma):" will appear for those group, who are allowed to Edit own photos/Edit any photos (CP->Users->User groups->Set permission for all groups->Photo Albums)
Quote (mabala)
And also; I've turned on entries added by Guest's and User's must be verfired by a mod or admin, but it's not working. The pictures will show, with or without an activasion from a mod or admin.
Some pictures will show up as a error image when they're not verified by a mod or admin.

We have checked your website and the problems are caused by the fact you have messed up with your template. I suggest you restore the Photo Album templates to solve the issue.
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 11 | 10:57 PM
This may come as a late response.


<img src="" width="150%" height="150%" border="0">

(May not work)

Register your website with uCoz - http://www.ucoz.net/register?pguid=515802799
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