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uCoz Community uCoz Modules Photo Albums Lightbox issues |
Lightbox issues |
Hello, my photos to not display clearly in light box when viewing a page with photo, they look shorter. Is it a bug because i have seen it on some other ucoz websites.
I would also love to edit the lightbox so when a photo is clicked on, it opens directly on its page with comments. Anothing thing is the page switchers nolonger appear on the photo main page. Systems developer
Soldierdevil, Please provide URL of your website. Did the light box have issues before?
My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio |
www.hotkampala.com, but there also seem to be more issues with my website. Its on and off since yesterday...we were told a server 104 was being re-serviced so is it still?
Added (2015-04-11, 6:58 AM) Systems developer
Soldierdevil, It looks like the Photo album module is not active on your website , I can't recreate the problem or analyze it without the module active on your website.
s104 is fully functional right now and is not under service. My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio |
My photo module is completely active and i have quite a number of photos inside but currently i can not access my site here. So you can access it there?? i have tried hotkampala.at.ua but still nothing!!...so if its showing its not active from that side then i donot know whats happening
Systems developer
Soldierdevil, I've registered to your website and only registered users can access your photo module. The photo module is working fine, so is the Lightbox. The page selector however is not present. Copy and paste the following code in Design management (Templates) > Photo albums > Photo albums main page > Paste the code right after $BODY$ and it will appear.
Code <hr/><div style="margin: 5px 0;text-align: center;">$PAGE_SELECTOR1$</div> Does the problem with Light box still persist from your end? My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio |
Xayaan, sorry that i answered late. Yeah i did copy the code and worked perfect but not only the light box, even the page with photo and associated comments displays the photo halfway. My friend has the same problem too!
Take a closer look in the screenshot. The photo is displayed very short, looks like its height is extremely reduced. You have to reload a number of times to get the perfect size. Attachments:
(67.5 Kb)
Systems developer
Soldierdevil, I understand. It must be a problem from your end. The light box and page with photo and associated comments works perfectly from my end. Can you try accessing the website through a proxy or ToR browser?
My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio |
Well, i have stopped thinking now!..I changed browsers, operating systems and even the computer it self and the network are all different but still its the same! For your information, it does not happen all time..because sometime the image loads perfectly but most of the time thats all i get
Added (2015-04-21, 5:07 AM) Systems developer
Soldierdevil, Please send a message to the technical support team through your Control panel regarding the issue.
uCoz does not provide professional developers, But there are very talented developers here such as Bigblog, Paradox, Eriko. Send them a PM if they are available for developing your website. Also, I'm available for dev work as well right now. If you are interested, Send me a PM the details regarding the project. My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio |
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