uCoz Community uCoz Modules Site News & Blogs Brief and full description, "read more" link |
Brief and full description, "read more" link |
Site News: Brief and full description Various ways of displaying entries are possible within Site News module. If you check “Show brief version of the text if it is too long box”, only the part of the brief version will be displayed on the page (the part limited by the option “Number of characters for a brief version”) together with “Read more” link. If you click on the link, the page with entry full text will open. Another option is to use “Entry brief description“ as a field of a new entry form. In this way the content of “Short description” field will be displayed on the main page (of site or module). And when you click on the entry name, the content of “Entry full text” will be displayed. If you forbid a user group (for example Guests) to Read entries, they will be able to see only the content of Short description on the main page. If you forbid a user group (for example Guests) to view the main page, they will not be able to see Short description of the entry. Site News module doesn't have its own main page as other catalog-modules do. That is why the code responsible for outputting news is added to Home page content by default. If you have messed up with the code when editing it – the news are not going to be displayed. The code that outputs news: Code <?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div align="right" style="padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Where can I set the number of characters in Short description? Control panel->Site News->Module settings-> Number of characters for a brief version The news ends up with ellipsis (dots) in Short description. Can I substitute it with my own character? Unfortunately, it is not possible. Is it possible to output only Entry name on Site News page so that the news itself will be located on the other page? Yes, it is possible. You need to hide Short description. It can be done by editing Appearance of entries template in Control panel->Design->Design management (templates)->Site news There are big spaces in the text of full description of the entry. How to fix it? Most probably you used Word to embed the text. It is highly unrecommended. Copy and paste the text into Notepad and then from the Notepad to the website. Can I use “Entry brief description” option for one news only? Unfortunately, it is not possible by means of standard system solutions. Scripts might help you. Is it possible to display news on the main page in the way they are displayed on the Page with entries full text and its comments? No. Full text can not be displayed on the main page. Can I display Entry names only? Yes, it can be done by means of Informers. See more about them here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-457-2206-16-1206353355 Another option is to edit Appearance of entries template. What is the maximum number of characters in the “Entry full text”? 40 000 characters. Where can I change “Read more” in Short description? Control panel->Substitution of default phrases->Site News Which part of Style sheet CSS is responsible for changing the color of “Read more” inscription? Control panel->Design->Design management (CSS)->class entryReadAllLink How can I substitute “Read more” inscription with an image? Control panel->Substitution of default phrases->Site News->substitute the text with HTML code of the image, like: Code <img src="..."> |
Filip5, Go to CP->Design->Design management (templates)->File Catalog->Appearance of entries->Copy all code there, then Go to CP->Design->Design management (templates)->Blog->Appearance of entries->substitute all code there with copied code -> Click save. You can also customize this code if you need.
Hello everyone
You're amazing for this site Any way... my question is: I wanna see my full post, I don't want see the link "READ MORE" in every post. How remove this, "READ MORE" for then see the full post. ?? Thanks Best Regards P.S. My web is: http://catalogotest.ucoz.com/ Post edited by Juhosy - Monday, 2009-02-23, 9:26 PM
I made a mistake and changed something in one of the modules that has something to do with my Site news i believe
If you look at my site http://the5thinfantry.ucoz.com/ The Site news entries on the main page are compressed now and for some reason they don't show any detail anymore like they did before. however if you click the on the entire you can see all the information that was there, before the change was made .., how can i get them to expand and display information and detail like before, .. Post edited by PhantomMilitant - Tuesday, 2009-06-23, 10:00 AM
PhantomMilitant, probably you haven't filled the brief description field. If you don't want to use this field and still want to see some details of each entry then do the following: go to CP -> Site News -> Module settings -> Form fields for entry addition -> uncheck "Entry brief description". A new option will appear below - "Show brief version of the text if it is too long". Check it and enter the necessary number of characters.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Thank you Very much Sunny, that was it
I've always encountered with this error "Text length in the field "Entry full text" exceeds maximal value". Is there any other way for us to maximize / add more characters to our entry? prefer to posy it in only one entry..
Post edited by miriport - Tuesday, 2009-06-30, 5:13 AM
sykotek, avatars are discussed here - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/7-3388-1
Quote (sykotek) and my news download link is in the main page i just wanna click --> and show download link how to change ? Be more specific: you want the link to be shown in entry full text, not in brief description? I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Dunno if is the right section to post, but here i've found some info about the main page.
Well, my problem is with the home page, when i hit http://maniaci.ucoz.com/ ( my page ) it only displays a line and the Read More >> action. I wanna change that for ex, when u hit http://maniaci.ucoz.com/, to appear like this, http://maniaci.ucoz.com/news/bine_ati_venit/2010-01-09-1 , the whole writing and stuff. Thx in advance. Post edited by Infamous - Thursday, 2010-01-14, 5:36 PM
This is a new issue I came across while viewing my site in Internet Explorer, regardless which version. I know the saying here is to recommend users to use Firefox over IE.
I agree with this saying, however, there's really no way you could convince someone to use something that they're probably too ignorant to change. Aside from that, I never encountered this problem before. When I set the number of characters of the brief version of an entry, I noticed that along with the cut-off from the entry, it also cuts off the end bracket of the html code if a user was to italicize or bold a text, or in some of the cases, cuts off an embed video, starting with <object>. When that happens, the layout becomes entangled in the unclosed bracket, despite it's precedence. I'm using the doctype value xhtml strict 1.0, when I validated the source code, it states: You have neglected to close an element.... When I know for a fact that my layout is xhtml orientated. No end brackets missing. However, it seems the brief version setting also counts the source code as well as the number of characters in the entry. By source code I mean the entries' html. I'm curious to know if this can be fixed to count only the entry words and not the mark-up. Perhaps, if the brief version cuts off an element, it could close the code instead of neglecting any html. If I placed this in the wrong section I apologize, but I assume this would be a problem not only to me but to others as well. |
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