uCoz Community uCoz Modules Site News & Blogs Adding an extra Site News or Extra Blog? |
Adding an extra Site News or Extra Blog? |
Heya All,
wightnoiseparanormal.co.uk I have this site almost ready for a small group i am in, and If you click on the link, it will lead you there. My Problem is that my Site News works perfectly, which is great but right next to News is "EVP's". I wanted to know if there was anyway to add another news feed module like Site news but doesnt get the news from Site News.. Basically starts up an extra News Feed, without pulling from the other feed? Thank You Post edited by Dunners311 - Monday, 2011-09-05, 8:40 PM
Dunners311, I am not sure I understand your question. You need to rephrase it.
You might use any other module that has similar to Site News features, like Ad Board for example. You might also use RSS feed that we have. Read more about it here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-257-1#1074 |
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