Message # 1 | 7:10 AM
I'm trying to get a border around each individual blog post on my blog.

I have the border around it, but I don't know how I would make a border for each blog it's self?
As in a separate border (not touching eachother) on each post. I'm putting the code in "Blog main page" here is the code I used (I will bold the code). I just don't know how to separate them while there only being a "$BODY$" code.

[b]<div id="whiteBox">[/b]<!-- <body> --><?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:4px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$"><!--<s5186>-->Add new entry<!--</s>--></a> ]</div><?endif?>
$BODY$<!-- </body> -->[b]</div><!-- whiteBox end -->[/b]

*/*along with CSS Code*/*

#blogBox {

Can anybody help me?
Attachments: 1275978.png (68.1 Kb)

I would prefer if you called me ErraticFox. ^_^
Post edited by Poptart - Tuesday, 2012-09-04, 7:12 AM