Addition and management of entries
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Message # 16 | 5:21 PM
I have enabled the option to select what date the news posts appear to have been posted on, in order to use the News Calendar as an events calendar

However the option to select ascending or descending order won't work for me, so the events furthest away from now are at the top and the newest ones are at the bottom which isn't very helpful.

Can anyone help?

here is the link: CLICK

Posts: 16
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Message # 17 | 11:12 PM
have you missed any thing out just have look
i dunno why it didnot work for you but it worked for me
you just need to check it

peek a boo

O did i scare you :)

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Message # 18 | 2:25 PM
Yeah I'm positive it just won't change from descending to ascending, it won't change in the blog either. Has anyone any ideas??
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 19 | 10:31 AM
Quote (jaydoubleyoubee)
Yeah I'm positive it just won't change from descending to ascending, it won't change in the blog either. Has anyone any ideas??

there is no Ordering setting for blog and news module. If you want such option you have to use any Catalog module (e.g. Publisher). You can configure modules what ever you want.
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Message # 20 | 4:22 AM
I have a problem - all my posts somehow disappeared, though they still exist and can be accesed if using the calendar. What happened and how I can return them to the blog?

Here is what I have now

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Message # 21 | 9:36 AM
They couldn't just disappear by themselves.
Did you make any changes to the website? Make sure that you didn't check Entry is not available for viewing when adding entries (however in this case they must be still visible to you as an administrator).

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Message # 22 | 6:27 PM
i want to add the entries or site news on main page as it is in this one
because i hate the entries being in calender so please any help about this? i have to add entries everyday and i want the veiwers to look all of em because most of em dont look for calender

please explain briefly because i don't have much knowledge about websites :P

Posts: 74
Reputation: 25

Message # 23 | 3:10 AM
Put this code into the Main Page.

<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add news entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$

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Message # 24 | 4:11 AM
That is the problem - that I didn't do anything, they just disappeared from the blog and I don't see them either. there is no check on Entry is not available for viewing. Though these posts are not completely gone, as they can be accesed using calendar, they are just not visible in the blog I don't know why...
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Message # 25 | 10:40 AM
Still, nothing changes by itself. I suggest that you try to restore the default templates of the blog and check module settings (number of entries on the main page).
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Message # 26 | 6:27 PM
OK. Thanks. I'll try.
Is it possible to change the date of the post on the blog?
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Message # 27 | 9:01 PM
shushanik, I don't think you can.
Use your brain before you post ~Lee
Please use search, ~Lee
Posts: 9296
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Message # 28 | 9:00 AM
shushanik, there is the option "Enable ability to select date of entry addition:" in module fine settings.
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Message # 29 | 5:02 PM
If I make a new entry with current date, it appears in the blog normally. If I make a new entry with the date older than February 2009 it doesn't appear in the blog, but it can be accessed through the calendar... May be there are some settings which I need to change?
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 30 | 11:54 AM
shushanik, the entry "Listening to the Silence" has corrupted dirty html... view the source of the blog main page (right button click), search by the phrase "Listening to the Silence" and you will see all the beauty of your code...