Addition and management of entries
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Message # 46 | 6:06 PM
Quote (Sunny)
CP -> Users -> User groups -> Edit group properties and permissions -> Allow BB codes when adding entries

Now Hide tag has came but still code tag is lacking.When I close any link with code tag like this [code][code] (/code)(I cannot use code tag here)
Then also code tag doesnot work.Why?? can u help me....
Posts: 9296
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Message # 47 | 8:33 AM
warezparadise, where exactly are you trying to use the code? Is BB Codes Panel enabled?
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Message # 48 | 11:00 AM
Quote (Sunny)
warezparadise, where exactly are you trying to use the code? Is BB Codes Panel enabled?

Yes it is enabled check this image and u will undertstand the problem

Check this image please.............................

Attachments: 7044074.jpg (5.1 Kb)
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Message # 49 | 11:08 AM
warezparadise, it is available on "All codes"
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Message # 50 | 1:40 PM
Quote (Sunny)
warezparadise, it is available on "All codes"

Yes it is available but I can use either of them.If I use Hide tag then code does not work if code then hide does not work
Check this image

But any-how the problem is how do I bring it back In BB code panel

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 51 | 2:35 PM
warezparadise, [code] tag works within [hide] tag.

Quote (warezparadise)
But any-how the problem is how do I bring it back In BB code panel

You can't edit the panel, and this is how it is supposed to be

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Message # 52 | 8:42 AM


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Message # 53 | 9:41 AM
own3d, it is useful to explain your problem, and not only add screenshots. I guess the problem is the fields that are missing... Go to blog Module settings and check whether they are enabled.

P.S. Have you read uCoz ToS - ?

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Message # 54 | 10:17 AM
I will edit it all sorry for it.


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Message # 55 | 6:41 AM

when i am adding the entry and click "add" the system write "Text length in the field "Short description" exceeds maximal value" but text is not long.

can anybody help me?

Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 56 | 11:34 AM
You can change "Maximum length of a brief description" . Go to control panel->Module(through which you add entry)->module setings and find "Maximum length of a brief description" and chnage number of characters.
Posts: 26
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Message # 57 | 4:04 PM

there write "1500" i chagne it for "9000"(or other) and system don't save it. why?

i have short and full entry description but "Text length in the field "Short description" exceeds maximal value" it write for short description

Added (2009-07-12, 10:04 Am)

Post edited by Omar - Sunday, 2009-07-12, 3:58 PM
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 58 | 8:00 PM
Omar, can I see screenshot of this?And text which you put in "Short description" ?!
Posts: 26
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Message # 59 | 6:37 AM
at last, before i have this problem, here i put the bigger texts than this, but system didn't write "Text length in the field "Short description" exceeds maximal value"


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Post edited by Omar - Monday, 2009-07-13, 6:38 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 60 | 9:35 AM
Omar, this may happen if you copy the text from Microsoft Word. Try to copy it from Notepad.
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