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Blog editor
Posts: 96
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 8:16 PM
Before I changed over to the new Ucoz control panel I could edit the font on my blog posts. I had to change back to the old control panel to write my blog post because the visual editor is not on the new control panel. I can't edit the size of my font like I can in the old control panel. How can I edit my the font size in the new control panel. Thanks in advance.
Post edited by QueenMaa - Saturday, 2018-03-03, 9:53 PM
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 2 | 7:38 AM
QueenMaa, actually, there's no such feature within the old CP as well. When you (in the old CP) press the Add new entry button, you're redirected to your website directly and there, yes, there's an option to change a font. I'll forward your suggestion to the development team to consider an option of adding the fonts feature directly into the Control Panel, if possible.

At the moment you'll need to just log into to your website (without any CP at all) and simply add new entries.
Posts: 96
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 10:17 PM
I'm talking about when I write a blog post. The blog editor is different. I have attached two pictures so you can see. The first picture is the blog editor in the new control panel and the second picture is of the blog editor in the old control panel. The visual editor has more features in the old control panels blog editor. I can edit the font I can't in the old control panel. I like the visual editor in the old control panel better. Now, I have to switch back and forth between the old control panel and the new. Plus, the text color is not working on the blog post editor in the new control panel.
Attachments: 6930835.png (126.5 Kb) · 8648217.png (145.6 Kb)

Post edited by QueenMaa - Monday, 2018-03-05, 10:21 PM
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 4 | 6:17 AM
QueenMaa, I'll try to describe you the situation:

You're using the Visual editor on the website itself, not the old Control Panel when you log into the CP -> Old version -> Ad Board -> new entry -> you're automatically redirected to the visual editor on the website itself.
Basically, you can skip that part with the Control Panels and log in as an administrator to your website and add the entry as you usually do.

Thank you for noticing the color option for the new control panel issue, it was forwarded to our development team.
Posts: 96
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 4:19 AM
Gromov, Thanks! I understand now.
Post edited by QueenMaa - Wednesday, 2018-03-07, 4:30 AM
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 6 | 6:43 AM
QueenMaa, You're always welcome.

The color text issue should be resolved until the end of the week. As for the fonts feature added to the editor within the CP itself, your suggestion was forwarded to a department in charge, they will look if it can be implemented or not.
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