Help on Site News
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 3:15 PM

I can’t see new comments after they have been added, but the counter is working and the comments can be viewed in Control Panel. How do I fix it?

Disable premoderation of comments.

I can’t use the feature "Entry always on top". What is the problem?

There are two settings: just “Always on top” and “Always on top” in categories. If you enable this feature at the entry itself, nothing will change. This option must be enabled in setting as well. Besides, if a new entry is also checked to be displayed on top, it will be above the previous marked entry.

I can’t display news on the page in two columns

It is not possible.

How can I schedule events in advance?

Enable ability to select date of entry addition in fine module settings.

How to display rating by means of 5-7 images?

By means of conditional operators: there is a special code which shows rating in round-off numbers.

Is it possible to use in short description the options of the panel with codes as in the full one?

No. It is not provided.

In short description a news entry ends with three dots? Is it possible to replace them by some other symbol?

No, it is not possible.

When adding an entry, after I click on "Add" the news page opens but I can’t see there the entry. When I repeat the operation the system gives out that the entry has been already added. What is the problem?

I add an image from my computer to an entry, but it doesn’t show up. What should I do?
The problem is probably with your software (browser).

Guests cannot see news on the main page. How to fix it?

Check group permissions.

Site News module is not displayed, and I have already added 4 entries. What should I do?

There is either premoderation enabled (can be disabled in group permissions) or a mistake in the source code ($LAST_NEWS$ is in the wrong place) or problems with your browser.

Is it possible to display in news the headline only, and to display the entry itself on another page?

Yes. You should hide short description in the template.

Why are there several entries from the main page on the second page?

Number of entries on the main page differs from the number of entries on other pages.

There were 4 entries on the main page. I added one entry each day. Today there is only the last entry left and the rest 3 "disappeared". How can I fix it?

Specify in module settings the necessary number of entries on the main page.

I enabled the capability to select date of entry addition in fine module settings. Now I can select date as I am the administrator but the users cannot. Why?

This is the feature of the system.

Is it possible to display a news entry, by means of additional fields, in the form of several parameters: date; time; place; entry text?

Yes. By means of editing the template of entry appearance you can form up news on the main page in any way you like.

I want to put RSS feed from another site into Site News. Is it possible?


At last news from are displayed. When one clicks on the full version of an entry it opens at Is it possible to open a full version at

An entry opens where it is placed – at If your want it to open at another hoster you must place it there at first.

Is it possible to display news on the main page in random order?

You can do it by means of informers.

How can I display entries of a certain category?

With the help of informer.

Full text of an entry contains large intervals between words, these intervals are uneven. How to fix it?

It depends on the way in which your work with the material. Most probably you added it from Microsoft Word. You should by no means do this. If you got used to type in Word, you should at first copy text to Notepad and then from Notepad to your site.

How can I create news archive menu so that it would be possible to select a certain month from the news archive?

Use the code $ARCHIVE_LINKS$.

I want news, added a month ago, to be automatically moved to the archive. How can I do this?

It is realized automatically – there is a limitation on the number of news entries, displayed on a page, the rest are moved to the archive.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 5:13 PM
Is it possible to have something like two different databases of news?
I mean, so that for example you can have a main news module, and one only for private users.
So that you, for example, have "$LAST_NEWS1$" and "$LAST_NEWS2$", News1 being the public news, and News2 being a different one.
I don't really know how to explain better, ask me if you don't understand.


Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 3 | 11:11 AM
Pouter, use different modules e.g. News and Blog

And don't forget about Informers function.

Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 1:15 PM
uCoz, Ok I tried, but can't find the code to the Blog new entry link.
It add it to the News instead of the Blog.
I already use Informers.

Added (2008-06-10, 6:55 Am)
Never mind, i found the link to the Blog New entry page.

Added (2008-06-10, 7:15 Am)
Is there any code to view the full entries quickly (with the entry message) for Blogentries?
Like there is $last_news$ for news, is this also available for the Blog? Because i can't find it.

Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 3:40 AM
Quote (Pouter)
Is there any code to view the full entries quickly (with the entry message) for Blogentries?Like there is $last_news$ for news, is this also available for the Blog? Because i can't find it.

use Informers

Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 10:56 AM
Quote (Chamf)
use Informers

i want to see the whole message, not just the title
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 7 | 11:57 AM
Quote (Pouter)
i want to see the whole message, not just the title

you can see title and brief description, not a full text of a message.
Posts: 7
Reputation: 1

Message # 8 | 11:57 AM
How i can add image in site news like this? I want that image will be there how show that. How make it?

Posts: 9
Reputation: 7

Message # 9 | 11:57 AM
Quote (DarkName)
Hi.How i can add image in site news like this? I want that image will be there how show that. How make it?

With html.
<img src="path to image" border="0" align="left">text, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more texttext, more text, much more text

I'm from Russia, sorry for my english.
If I helped you give me a respect.
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 10 | 11:57 AM
amongst every other possible way to post an image into the news section on my main page, this one didnt work either. can someone please help me?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 11 | 11:57 AM
Specify your problem more exactly. What did you try and what was the result?
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Post edited by Sunny - Friday, 2008-02-01, 9:39 AM
Posts: 37
Reputation: 28

Message # 12 | 11:57 AM
Go To

Main » Common settings

Then After that

Scroll down Then Change The Content editing mode at Page Editor:

TO: BB-Codes + HTML


Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 13 | 5:48 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right section of the forum for this question, but I'll give it a shot here anyway.
So, when I created a website here, the main page is a news page, i.e. the Site News module is attached to it. How can I make something else as my main page and the Site News just as one of the other pages/modules?
What I want is that when visitor type the URL for my website, the first page they see is something like "About me" (which I know how to create, I just don't know how to make it main), and the "Main page" link in the menu also always takes you there.
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 74
Reputation: 25

Message # 14 | 7:37 AM
zipirovich, Just edit the main page! On the main page go all the way down,
there you should see thin gray bar with triangle in the middle, click it, it will expand,
click second icon, new window will pop up with the code in it. Add and remove the codes...

Just play with it and you will see how things work there...

Post edited by Brazen - Thursday, 2009-03-05, 7:42 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 15 | 9:09 AM
zipirovich, to have site news on another page: CP -> Page Editor -> Add new page -> Paste $LAST_NEWS$ into page content.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.