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Email Form
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 10:47 PM
I am having Problem with the E-mail Form. I click on the "Send" Button but nothing happens, please help asap
Attachments: 2213272.png (16.3 Kb) · 9940447.png (57.2 Kb) · 3142889.png (20.6 Kb)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 9:02 AM
mistagbeats, for the e-mail form to work you need to paste onto the page NOT its HTML code, but its system $code$, e.g. $MFORM_1$
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 1:53 AM
Sunny, Thank you for the quick Response, I fixed this problem, but I am having another Problem, I have tried a lot of times to add more Type of Fillings from text to checkbox, radio and so on, max would be 10 Type of Fillings, I have sent myself a test Email, but do not receive the Correct information, only the Message Text
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 4 | 3:18 AM
mistagbeats, please provide a site URL and I will look into this for you. smile Have you changed the source code in any form?
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
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