Contact Us doesn't work
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 166 | 4:34 PM
HI! I used the email forms but also could not receive any emails. I try to change the email and even put two emails recipients but both emails does not receive any emails after i press 'Send' using the email forms. Is there some problem???
Posts: 1770
Reputation: 78

Message # 167 | 10:34 AM
Qing, please provide the e-mail service(s) you are using.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 168 | 10:33 AM
Qing, and the URL of your website.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 169 | 8:02 PM
Contact Us email form stopped working on my site: there is error in the reCAPTCHA box:
"ERROR for site owner:
Invalid domain for site key"
My domain is
I attached the screen shot.
Please help.
Attachments: 1509528.jpg (98.5 Kb)
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 170 | 10:35 AM
skipr, Try to replace the current key with a new one, that should do the trick.
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 171 | 12:15 PM
I am not sure what you are talking about. If I click on that circular arrow in reCAPTCHA box, that error comes back.
Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 172 | 8:03 AM
skipr, You need to enter the settings and replace the current key with a new one. Go to the Control Panel -> Settings -> System -> Key/Secret key

If you don't have those previously set, then press the Get API keys button, which will lead you here.
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 173 | 2:17 PM
Thank you, Mr. Gromov. Unfortunately, I am unable to get to my Control Panel, you tried to assist me with that problem and failed. This is a big problem for me: my site is useless without emailing.

Added (2017-11-15, 2:17 PM)
I apologize: my problem logging to CP got magically fixed and I was able to configure reCAPTCHA using your instructions.
Thank you! smile

Posts: 616
Reputation: 14

Message # 174 | 9:24 AM
skipr, You're always welcome.