uCoz Community Communication General Talk How can I make Facebook to not take pictures of my informant |
How can I make Facebook to not take pictures of my informant |
Hy, in the file catalog module -> Page with full entry text and associated comments, on the right site i'm using the informer to take some pictures from the photo album module and when someone like's a post then facebook takes a picture from the informer and i don't want that.
What can i do to stop facebook taking photos from the informer? I can'n use og:image but if facebook wont take images from informer then it will take the single image from the page, and i want that. Sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand what i wanted to say. Post edited by Mar1aN - Wednesday, 2013-06-12, 6:26 PM
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Davor24, my images in file catalog are added manually so i can't use the code og:image and i think the only way is to put informer in some code so that facebook will not detect the images from informer .
Example: <code>informer<code> |
On the left side of this page http://www.2lol.ro/load/15-1-0-1181 (like in other load pages) it's just one big image(the image that i want facebook to take when someone like's the page) and on the right side are some small images from the informer(from photo module).
I'm looking for a way to hide the small images from facebook so he cand take the big image from the left side. |
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