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My uCoz sentiments...negative feedbacks!
Posts: 476
Reputation: 13

Message # 1 | 1:41 PM
Nowadays, I see a lot of very powerful and awesome website themes from other website builders. uCoz is very slow in innovating or creating useful features, themes, or extensions (plug-ins). I love uCoz but I noticed uCoz is not focusing on creating useful features for uCoz websites. uCoztemplates.com is barely updated. There are no english uCoz scripts or plug-in we can buy. There are no add-on services that we can buy to power our websites.

Building website traffic is not enough. We, uCoz users, need to power more our websites. We need more add-ons and functional features to facilitate the needs of our demanding site users.

uCoz, as I can tell, is a sluggish, cranky old man compared to other CMS.

uCoz should focus on their existing users. Existing users are the ones who give life to uCoz as a whole. Instead, uCoz is focusing on acquiring new customers by creating the uKit platform. And now, old uCoz cms has not be so focused or prioritized.

I have these sentiments because I see other CMS is speeding up their progress that uCoz is now left behind. Even a simple and effective captcha system is not implemented in the old uCoz cms platform.

If uCoz is sluggish enough to respond to existing users' needs, existing users may be enticed to use other CMS.

Post edited by khen - Thursday, 2016-03-03, 1:42 PM
Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 2 | 4:10 PM
I must agree here, i want also to mention that ucoz dont have good offer in paid php scripts on oficial website store. There is only options for shop modules and the other options most of them are useless exept 2,3 scripts wich i buy.Not to mention that half of them are corrupted scripts and when we buy it wont work so we have to pay for paid instalation. Please pay attention on that website, i dont have money to throw cause i already buy two scripts wich wont work and im not new with coding to someone tell me that i dont know to instal.Like i say i already have few php successfully installed scripts on my website.
Maybe this is not the right place for me to complain on that isue but i just want to sugest to ucoz to add that php scripts in our control panel from where we could buy,much easier and safer.
About slow loading pages wich i have for weeks i dont want to talk about any more.

Post edited by Ed05 - Thursday, 2016-03-03, 4:25 PM
Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 3 | 4:43 AM
Sorry to post here but these suggestions was already submitted a long time ago.

If uCoz has to update, there are a lot of things.

First of all, * comment feature is not simutaneously. One person gives a comment and he needs to refresh the page to view the comment of others. * No feature to limit number of character for comment. Currently, only one character is also ok to comment. * No feature to enable more fields for comment form.

Secondly, PM system can not revised and it is not responsive (website user also the same). User has to input security code to send a message. Unbielivable.

Thirdly, Chatting module is very obsolete. No simutaneous. This is the most disappointed.

....many more but I do not have to write here .... smile
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