uCoz Community Archives Locked Please list here all available Country ID-s |
Please list here all available Country ID-s |
I've already used search, but found nothing.
I mean $COUNTRY_ID$ for my country (GEORGIA) is GE. I would like to know $COUNTRY_ID$ - s for every country, which is listed on uCoz sites during registration. P.S. And $ZODIAC_ID$ - s too. Or tell me where to find it Post edited by kshengelia - Saturday, 2010-04-10, 3:39 PM
Quote (Air) Dartz, I think he wants a list of all the country IDs (ex. - UNITED STATES: US; GEORGIA: GE;) Yes, definitely! Dartz, I'm coding my web site with <?if?> codes and GROUP ID. I mean - My site language is Georgian. I want to make English version too. So I've created a new User group named "ENGLISH" and allowed people to choose it during registration. Then, <?if($GROUP_ID$=2)?>Hello<?else?>Hello in Georgian<?endif?> And like this everywhere, in every module, in every global blocks. So I'm working on user's profile page now. and in Georgian variant of the site, it's simple: Country: $COUNTRY$, but in English variant I'll need something like this:
Quote <?if($GROUP_ID$=2)?> <?if($COUNTRY_ID$=Ge)?>Georgia<?endif?> and so on.. that's my question - where can I find the full list of these examples? Maybe I can just guess, that $COUNTRY_ID$ for FINLAND is Fi, but I don't know for example $COUNTRY_ID$ for Greece is Gr, oR Gre, because there are other countries, which begins on "Gr". <?else?> and same "problem" on ZODIAC. I think you understand me now Post edited by kshengelia - Sunday, 2010-04-11, 12:50 PM
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