Message # 1 | 8:38 PM
Hey guys i have 3 major problems here/
I have tried lot
couldnt resolve

1st. The Hyperlink to homepage on my banner..
i dont know how to do that! Please help!!

2. Activation confirmation
Well there are 2 many activation confirmation when registration
How to change that!!!

3. edit Profile/homepage links
its way to small if you go on my site
and go through banner u see house symbol and next to that edit profile
i want it bigger and maybe in tabs!!

4. login box
i want a login box at right
wich shows your avatar and username and all

Please help me if u could


html coding

when im admin and write news (Example)

it doesnt cm in html coding like [ color ] [/ color ]

without spaces
but if i write in normal user it does
can sm1 help me get same for normal user 2 ??

Post edited by Craig711 - Saturday, 2010-06-12, 8:52 PM