uCoz Community Archives Locked Appear incorrect link (İncorrect link at the top of the Browser) |
Appear incorrect link |
Hi there!
This time I faced with the extra-ordinary problem. When I tring to enter to the Files catalog ("Fayllar kataloqu")/My files- appears the unusual link at the top of the browser. Why appears this link i don't know. Comment: this problem appears at anywhere where are cateqory and section field. I will wait for the answer Thanks beforehand! My site is http://myexcelworld.ucoz.com Attachments:
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Useful, go to Control Panel (CP) -> Customize Design -> Quick Replacement
Now in the 'Find' input box, paste (remove the spaces after the '&' symbols): Code & lt;!--if()--& gt;- & lt;!--endif--& gt; Then leave the 'Replace' input box empty, then make sure all of the 'Module' check boxes are checked. Then press the 'Save' button. Kind regards,
Elliott. "The best uCoz" critic since 2007. Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer. I'm on Behance and Twitter. Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Tuesday, 2010-12-07, 9:30 AM
CreativeCollusions, Thanks! for your answer. But I think this step is very riskful for the other codes.
in the Find input box: Code <!--if()-->- <!--endif--> or Code <!--if()-->-<!--endif--> Which variant is correct? Post edited by Useful - Tuesday, 2010-12-07, 10:28 AM
Useful, both are correct. But if you prefer you can do it a different, more un-riskful way. It just takes longer.
Go to Control Panel (CP) -> Customize Design -> 'MODULE NAME' Code & lt;!--if()--& gt;- & lt;!--endif--& gt; Remove that bit of code. Then do the same on all of the other module pages. Kind regards,
Elliott. "The best uCoz" critic since 2007. Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer. I'm on Behance and Twitter. Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Tuesday, 2010-12-07, 11:18 AM
Quote (CreativeCollusions) Useful, both are correct. Good morning İ have experience your method but appear that result. And what is going on? what is wrong? Thanks! Attachments:
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Post edited by Useful - Wednesday, 2010-12-08, 6:09 AM
Quote (CreativeCollusions) Try the second method, that should work. From "Page with category contents" Code <title>$CAT_NAME$ <!--if($SECTION_NAME$)-->- $SECTION_NAME$<!--endif--> - $MODULE_NAME$ - $SITE_NAME$</title> I have deleted this part which shown below and everything is ok!
Code <!--if($SECTION_NAME$)-->- $SECTION_NAME$<!--endif--> Thanks! Post edited by Useful - Wednesday, 2010-12-08, 10:37 AM
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