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Pop up window.
Posts: 20
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 4:31 AM
I hope moderators won't hate me for being so annoying, but i have a question. How do i create a pop up window that appears when somebody is leaving my site? I found this info (posted by Sunny):

<a href="javascript://" onclick="new _uWnd('myName','Window title',500,200,{autosize:1,maxh:300,minh:100},'Here goes window content');">Click me</a>

We need the following part which is the code of an Ajax window itself:
new _uWnd('myName','Window title',500,200,{autosize:1,maxh:300,minh:100},''Here goes window content');

myName – is a unique name of a window. This text is displayed nowhere but is used to work with such windows;

Window title – is a title that is displayed at the top of an Ajax window;

500 – width;

200 – height;

Here goes window content- is content of a window. Here HTML codes can be used.

Ok. this is a code for a blue pop up window. It will appear as a link on the page, but it it possible to have this window pop up when the visitor leaves my site?

Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 2 | 7:50 AM
You can use basic internet pop-up windows, but I'm not so sure about loading the Ajax Window on an unload function (leaving the page). Here is the basic HTML script, replace the body tag with the following:
<body onunload="alert('Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?')">

You can change the Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? text to what you want.

Kind regards,

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Message # 3 | 10:04 AM
KatrinL, it can be done. But it involves a lot of coding and a good knowledge of JScritps. Unfortunately, I can't help you with this. But I will move the thread to Users Communication. Maybe, you can get some help there.
Posts: 20
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 3:24 PM
CreativeCollusions, that's exactly what i'm looking for, BUT... is it possible to have one of my polls displayed in that window? I tried just to create a poll and then replace"Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" with $POLLC_3$ ...didn't work. I just want people to be able to answer 1 question before they leave my site.
I would really appreciate your help : )
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 5 | 2:50 AM
KatrinL, an alternative you can do is ask the user if he / she wants to answer your poll. Then if the user agrees, take them to a seperate page that contains your poll. As far as I know, JavaScript alert(); windows can't carry HTML in it. Just plain text.
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