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How long is it befor a site is coinsidered inactive
Posts: 46
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Message # 1 | 1:22 PM
Hey i have looked around here in FAQ and other post but did not see any threads with this question in it.
I was wondering how long it takes before your site is considered in active?
I keep getting email saying my site was disable due to inactivity and will be deleted, and this is the second time this week.
I have used the link to get the site back.. but was wondering how long it takes before this happens again..
And what is considered not being active?

As of now i have been in the creation process and it is taking me a little longer then i thought it would due to my job and work schedule.;
But i do9 plan on opening it and having it fished soon i am just waiting for my hours to go back to normal.
So i have put a tremendous amount of work into the site already and do not want to lose it just because it is not yet open or fished.
So if i can get an out line on exactly what makes a site inactive and how long you have before it reaches that status it would be very helpful so i can be sure not to allow it to exceed it's limitation of inactivity again.
But i am still there working on stuff so dose that not count as activity????

Thank you.

Added (2011-02-22, 7:22 Am)
anyone know this?

Post edited by fatgher48 - Monday, 2011-02-21, 11:45 PM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 2 | 1:29 PM
fatgher48, In uCoz system the cleanings of inactive ("dead") sites are constantly running. A site is considered to be dead if no one visits it for 40 days. If you use .html files as your site, the visitors on the site are not taken into account and such sites are also removed in 40 days. According to the system rules you should use at least 1 content module (blog, news, catalogs, forum, guestbook etc.). If you need a simple static site constructed of html pages, uCoz is not what you need.

The system does not remove the sites at once, it marks them for removal (thus they do not work); the site has this status for the next 15 days and during this period registration of a site with the same address is impossible. While the site is being marked for removal, it is still possible to restore it. However we can restore only a site that contains sufficient amount of entries, we do not restore empty sites!

We do not carry any responsibility for your unwillingness to observe the elementary rules of our system.

Posts: 248
Reputation: 9

Message # 3 | 3:04 PM
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