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Copyright, robots.txt etc
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 10:47 PM
Please only administrators answer these

1: I was just wondering if I am able to edit the robots.txt and where would it be located ?

2: I was just wondering if I was able to edit copyrights somehow? but still have your copyright on there? like have... something like [COPYRIGHT 2011 - My website] and [Powered by - ucoz.com]
or is that just for premium.

3: How would you go about creating a intro page? that connects to the homepage and other pages? [would you create a .index file?] or would you create 2 homepages and make 1 not visible to regular users and just take it from there? - I hope you understand.

4: How would you go about protecting against XSS and SQL injection ? would you have to manually code? or is there already something for it?
[example - in search bar.]

Post edited by quicky - Sunday, 2011-04-24, 10:55 PM
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 2 | 11:01 PM
Quote (quicky)
1: I was just wondering if I able to edit the robots.txt ?

All about it goes here - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/23-4687-1
Quote (quicky)
2: I was just wondering if I was able to edit copyrights somehow? but still have your copyright on there? like have... something like [COPYRIGHT 2011 - My website] and [Powered by - ucoz.com] or is that just for premium.

You can edit however you want (When you manage deisgn), but uCoz copyright you can't change. You can only change style of that, if you want only text or image. Look in uCoz banner and copyright adjustment on home page of CP.
Quote (quicky)
3: How would you go about creating a intro page? that connects to the homepage and other pages? [would you create a .index file?] or would you create 2 homepages and make 1 not visible to regular users and just take it from there? - I hope you understand.

This can help you - http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/5-2540-1
Quote (quicky)
4: How would you go about protecting against XSS and SQL injection ? would you have to manually code? or is there already something for it? [example - in search bar.]

uCoz can't be attacked by this ways. Don't worry about that. He has very strong security.

Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 11:19 PM
thanks smile

Added (2011-04-24, 5:19 PM)
Sorry.... I have another question

1: How would you go about - adding your own forum? not linked to you guys.... you would have to manually put it in right?

Posts: 301
Reputation: 19

Message # 4 | 6:14 AM
quicky, read here about adding forum . But if you want to add another site forum to your page you need to do it manually by adding link (of your other forum) to your site menu.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 5 | 9:27 AM
quicky, first of all, use search first. You can find answers to nearly all of your questions here already.
Quote (quicky)
1: I was just wondering if I am able to edit the robots.txt and where would it be located ?

Mind that you can not substitute default robots with your own during the quarantine.
Quote (quicky)
2: I was just wondering if I was able to edit copyrights somehow? but still have your copyright on there? like have... something like [COPYRIGHT 2011 - My website] and [Powered by - ucoz.com]
or is that just for premium.

See this http://faq.ucoz.com/faq/0-0-31 And if you become a premium user, you might have ad banner and/or copyright removed, depending on the package. All available payment methods are in Control Panel -> $ -> Paid services. http://faq.ucoz.com/screenshots/paid_service_packages.png
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 1:20 AM
Thanks for this very informative site. I really appreciate it.
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