uCoz Community Archives Locked S.O.S (important) (S.O.S (important)) |
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This site is owned defraud to Facebook Members. http://appsfacebook.ucoz.com/Atabook.htm He stole my password and My facebook page. (2500 Members) i will proceed to him. (Turkey Laws) Can you help to me ? i need him user details. ip adress and e-mail etc. Added (2011-07-18, 4:41 PM) |
antikor, uCoz abuse will most likely be able to assist in the resolution of your problem. You can contact them at the following link; http://www.ucoz.com/abuse
Hope this helps, Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting. |
antikor, always forward your complaints of such kind to uCoz Abuse service http://www.ucoz.com/abuse Forum staff is not entitled to help with such issues.
The website http://appsfacebook.ucoz.com was removed. |
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