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Posts: 13
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Message # 1 | 10:45 AM
can any1 help me or guide me thru on how to implement this HTML5 animation on my website? creating it was easy, installing the code... not so much sad
thank you in advance!

basically i want to replace this

to this, and if its possible to keep the links "register" "login" & search
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 2:08 PM
bushwin, the second link does not work.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 13
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Message # 3 | 8:31 AM
yea sorry Sunny i deleted the files because i though it messes up my html codes, but i uploaded files again!
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 10:42 AM
bushwin, post the code (script) of the animation.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 13
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Message # 5 | 10:52 AM

  * Adobe Edge: symbol definitions
(function($, Edge, compId){
var symbols = {
"stage": {
    version: "0.1.3",
    baseState: "Base State",
    initialState: "Base State",
    content: {
       dom: [
       symbolInstances: [
    states: {
       "Base State": {
          "${_logo}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '124px'],
             ["transform", "rotateZ", '-19deg'],
             ["transform", "scaleX", '1.44'],
             ["style", "opacity", '0'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '1.1665px'],
             ["transform", "scaleY", '1.44']
          "${_img8}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '707px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_img5}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '404px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_img7}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '606px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_img2}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '101px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_bg}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '0px']
          "${_img3}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '202px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_img4}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '303px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_im1}": [
             ["transform", "originX", '50%'],
             ["transform", "translateX", '0px'],
             ["transform", "originY", '50%'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
          "${_stage}": [
             ["style", "height", '131px'],
             ["style", "width", '976px'],
             ["color", "background-color", 'rgba(255,255,255,0.00)'],
             ["style", "overflow", 'hidden']
          "${_img6}": [
             ["transform", "translateX", '505px'],
             ["transform", "translateY", '0px']
    timelines: {
       "Default Timeline": {
          fromState: "Base State",
          toState: "",
          duration: 4464,
          labels: {

          timeline: [
             { id: "eid92", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "rotateZ", '-3deg', { fromValue: '-19deg'}], position: 2249, duration: 405 },
             { id: "eid130", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "rotateZ", '3deg', { fromValue: '-3deg'}], position: 2654, duration: 95 },
             { id: "eid132", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "rotateZ", '-3deg', { fromValue: '3deg'}], position: 2750, duration: 124 },
             { id: "eid124", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "rotateZ", '0deg', { fromValue: '-3deg'}], position: 3464, duration: 999 },
             { id: "eid74", tween: [ "transform", "${_img5}", "translateX", '432px', { fromValue: '404px'}], position: 1295, duration: 394 },
             { id: "eid81", tween: [ "transform", "${_img5}", "translateX", '23px', { fromValue: '432px'}], position: 1689, duration: 428 },
             { id: "eid77", tween: [ "transform", "${_img8}", "translateX", '735px', { fromValue: '707px'}], position: 1623, duration: 326 },
             { id: "eid84", tween: [ "transform", "${_img8}", "translateX", '28px', { fromValue: '735px'}], position: 1950, duration: 571 },
             { id: "eid90", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "scaleX", '1', { fromValue: '1.44'}], position: 2474, duration: 180 },
             { id: "eid111", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "scaleX", '0.54', { fromValue: '1'}], position: 3464, duration: 1000 },
             { id: "eid75", tween: [ "transform", "${_img4}", "translateX", '331px', { fromValue: '303px'}], position: 1186, duration: 415 },
             { id: "eid80", tween: [ "transform", "${_img4}", "translateX", '17px', { fromValue: '331px'}], position: 1601, duration: 426 },
             { id: "eid87", tween: [ "color", "${_stage}", "background-color", 'rgba(255,255,255,0.00)', { animationColorSpace: 'RGB', valueTemplate: undefined, fromValue: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.00)'}], position: 0, duration: 0 },
             { id: "eid95", tween: [ "style", "${_logo}", "opacity", '1', { fromValue: '0'}], position: 2432, duration: 222 },
             { id: "eid73", tween: [ "transform", "${_img6}", "translateX", '533px', { fromValue: '505px'}], position: 1396, duration: 407 },
             { id: "eid82", tween: [ "transform", "${_img6}", "translateX", '23px', { fromValue: '533px'}], position: 1804, duration: 445 },
             { id: "eid97", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateY", '-5.4265px', { fromValue: '1.1665px'}], position: 0, duration: 2654 },
             { id: "eid106", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateY", '-10px', { fromValue: '-5.4265px'}], position: 2654, duration: 55 },
             { id: "eid107", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateY", '-2px', { fromValue: '-10px'}], position: 2709, duration: 40 },
             { id: "eid109", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateY", '-5px', { fromValue: '-2px'}], position: 2750, duration: 47 },
             { id: "eid122", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateY", '29.49499px', { fromValue: '-2px'}], position: 3464, duration: 1000 },
             { id: "eid91", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "scaleY", '1', { fromValue: '1.44'}], position: 2559, duration: 95 },
             { id: "eid112", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "scaleY", '0.49', { fromValue: '1'}], position: 3464, duration: 1000 },
             { id: "eid72", tween: [ "transform", "${_img7}", "translateX", '634px', { fromValue: '606px'}], position: 1541, duration: 327 },
             { id: "eid83", tween: [ "transform", "${_img7}", "translateX", '28px', { fromValue: '634px'}], position: 1869, duration: 533 },
             { id: "eid125", tween: [ "style", "${_stage}", "height", '131px', { fromValue: '131px'}], position: 0, duration: 0 },
             { id: "eid98", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateX", '125px', { fromValue: '124px'}], position: 0, duration: 2654 },
             { id: "eid121", tween: [ "transform", "${_logo}", "translateX", '-49.85px', { fromValue: '125px'}], position: 3464, duration: 1000 },
             { id: "eid71", tween: [ "transform", "${_img2}", "translateX", '129px', { fromValue: '101px'}], position: 1000, duration: 396 },
             { id: "eid78", tween: [ "transform", "${_img2}", "translateX", '5px', { fromValue: '129px'}], position: 1396, duration: 353 },
             { id: "eid76", tween: [ "transform", "${_img3}", "translateX", '230px', { fromValue: '202px'}], position: 1084, duration: 415 },
             { id: "eid79", tween: [ "transform", "${_img3}", "translateX", '11px', { fromValue: '230px'}], position: 1500, duration: 410 }]

var comp;
Edge.registerCompositionDefn(compId, symbols);

  * Adobe Edge DOM Ready Event Handler
$(window).ready(function() {
      comp = new Edge.Composition(compId, {stage: "." + compId}, {});
  * Adobe Edge Timeline Launch
      comp.ready(function() {
})(jQuery, jQuery.Edge, "EDGE-51350699");
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 11:54 AM
Ok, here are some general steps:

Replace the header code

<div id="top">.....</top>
<div id="stage" class="EDGE-51350699"></div>

And paste the scripts into the page code:

<!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/test/edge_includes/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/test/edge_includes/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/test/edge_includes/edge.0.1.3.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/test/edge_includes/edge.symbol.0.1.3.min.js"></script>

      <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/test/header_edge.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/test/header_edgeActions.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/test/header_edge.css" />
<!--Adobe Edge Runtime End-->

I am afraid I cannot give you a more detailed guide as it is a coding question and quite non-related to uCoz.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 13
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 7:10 AM
thx sunny!
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