(Informer) Problem wiht aleatory image
Message # 1 |
11:53 PM
I have this website: www.randomimage.do.am (under construction), but the code for informer aleatory image doesn't work well. When you click on "Random" they took you to a random image, but when you click many times this random link become a bucle. I mean you are on image1, you click "Random2" and take you to image3, after you click another time random and took you to image1, and I have more than 2 images... I'm sorry for my english, i'm spanish. Visit my site to see the problem and click random many times, you will see the problem.
Thank you.
I'm here for help you!
Posts: 9296
Message # 2 |
1:02 PM
adminwiinews, what's the code of your informer?
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Message # 3 |
10:30 PM
I give you an image:
I'm here for help you!
Posts: 9296
Message # 4 |
12:29 PM
adminwiinews, provide please also the code you are pasting into the site pages.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.