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Forum - comment buttons
Posts: 6
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Message # 1 | 2:05 AM
i searched but i found only for new topic buttons...

is possible to change the B,i,u color, imagine url etc buttons in the reply form with my own ones?
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 2 | 7:23 AM
MaXpain, certainly. smile If you open Control Panel > Design customisation > CSS then search for the class .codeButtons you can then fully customise them. wink
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
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Message # 3 | 10:21 PM

/* Post Form */
.codeButtons {font-size:7pt;color:#30EBFF;background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;}
.codeCloseAll {font-size:7pt;color:#30EBFF;background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;font-weight:bold;}
.postNameFl,.postDescrFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:400px;color:#FFFFFF;}
.postPollFl,.postQuestionFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:400px;color:#FFFFFF;}
.postResultFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:50px;color:#FFFFFF;}
.postAnswerFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:300px;color:#FFFFFF;}
.postTextFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:550px;height:150px;color:#FFFFFF;}
.postUserFl {background:#131A1F;border:1px solid #40575A;width:300px;color:#FFFFFF;}

.pollHelp {font-weight:normal;font-size:7pt;padding-top:3px;}
.smilesPart {padding-top:5px;text-align:center}

this is the css code for the post form on the forum? but i dont know where i should put and how this icons...

B = http://files.softicons.com/download/system-icons/human-o2-grunge-icons-by-aleksandra-wolska/png/32x32/actions/format-text-bold.png
i = http://images-1.findicons.com/files/icons/1588/farm_fresh_web/32/text_italic.png
u = http://files.softicons.com/download/system-icons/human-o2-grunge-icons-by-aleksandra-wolska/png/32x32/actions/format-text-underline.png
size = http://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/cc_mono_icon_set/blacks/32x32/font_size.png
color = http://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/woocons1/Button%20Color%20Circle.png
quote = http://static.tumblr.com/internal/W20kfw798/quote.png
url = http://www.mdacbrandon.com/wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/icons/url.png
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 4 | 0:15 AM
MaXpain, oh. It isn't possible to change the images with your own although you can style them to appear like that if you have some minor knowledge in CSS. If I have the time I may make up a tutorial for that to get them looking close to how you would like them. smile
Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
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Message # 5 | 4:56 AM
Paradox, Something along the lines of this, if I remember correctly, would make an image function like a bbcode button.

<img src="IMAGE" onclick="tag_image('message','')" value="img" title="Image"/>

The code might not work, but it's only a example.

I don't use images myself, and I would recommend using just css.

Proud uCoz user since 2006
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Post edited by Acid - Sunday, 2012-03-18, 4:57 AM
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 6 | 6:21 AM
MaXpain, this link should help with the customising of the CSS: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/38-15346-1 smile

Acid, yeah, that's the basis of the code. It's just difficult to design the entire set of them unless you have a lot of time on your hands as any syntax errors and you get to go searching for the missing commer. wink

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 6
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Message # 7 | 10:46 AM
is possible to copy-paste the code from the visual editor buttons? tongue and 1 more question.... is possible to create new bbc buttons? for example youtube videos ... so the users should paste only the link from the youtube and it will appear like video smile
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 8 | 8:57 PM
MaXpain, I made a button for youtube videos, so I'll post codes for that later.
Proud uCoz user since 2006
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