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Message # 1 | 2:21 PM
How do i sticky a tread on my forums on EverEmber.ucoz.com?
Please help me. Thank you, i tryed pressing different buttons, i just cant seem to find the make sticky or lock thread button, thanks.
Post edited by Kajamaz - Saturday, 2012-06-09, 2:21 PM
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 2 | 2:31 PM
To make a sticky thread, your user group should have the permission to do that. In other words, you need to be an administrator or somewhere between that line. It won't be a problem for you because you mentioned that it was your forums.

Here's how;

Create a new topic. Before clicking the "Create thread" button, you must first check the "Thread always on top".

And there you have it! Your thread is now a sticky one. smile
Posts: 636
Reputation: 26

Message # 3 | 10:17 PM
If the thread already is created, just open the thread and on the right you can see a dropdown menus with the options.
Just choose stick thread and press the ok button.

"Thread always on top" only makes it stay on top, sticky threads have their own icon and is divided from the other threads in that forum.

Proud uCoz user since 2006
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Post edited by Acid - Saturday, 2012-06-09, 10:18 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 9:12 AM
Quote (Acid)
"Thread always on top" only makes it stay on top, sticky threads have their own icon

Actually no, this is one and the same option smile

Kajamaz, please see the following guide: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/9-2123-8358-16-1221654184

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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