Posts: 4
Message # 1 |
1:43 AM
As I found out that some sites get these adds but I have made our which are in the USa for the sites country. But one was a team site that was transfered to me and now. I get these ADDS I cant change their lanuge I found out that this is happening in some countries. As I am from the USA my other sites i made with the site location in the US. THis was not. Can I change the site location so to speak?
Its weird the add disapears when i log in or when i view the site in compateablety mode with Internet Explore 9.
Posts: 9296
Message # 2 |
8:28 AM
XT3, please read http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/6-15108-92533-16-1340176976
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.