Message # 1 | 4:16 AM
You may want to change the cursor with the cursor on your blog that you want. Does my friend want something like that??

if my friend would like, here I may be able to give tips to Change Cursor On Blog.

* How to Change Cursor On the ucoz:
A. Login to ucoz and choose the Desaign
2. Select the site page and all
3. Check Expand templates
4. Then place the following html code above </ head>

<style type='text/css'>body, a, a:link{cursor:url(, default;} a:hover {cursor:url(,wait;}</style>

replace text in blue and red with cursor url pal.

to the blue when the cursor is the default
to the red when the cursor is highlighting the link / mengklick Link

5. Save Template

Good Luck .. ....

Good luck and mempratekkannya ...