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[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Paradox, YES! celebrate the 100th chit-chat page! lol
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
YamiTatsuro, maybe on HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME?!?
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
we call it pm ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
so wats the topic? Paradox did u dissappear again?
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
BlackMage's Topic: HOW DO WE CHANGE OUR USERNAMES?!?! I've heard about this all day long now. So well, I thought I'd share it with the world. xD What do you think? ~~ Black-Mage, YamiTatsuro, well then. Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting. |
YamiTatsuro, thanks
Added (2012-06-01, 1:46 AM) ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
No doubt about that, he's a zombie. Saw that yesterday on facebook and on the news. It was awesome. xD
Serious talk now, I forgot what the drug is called but the drug's effects are very very effective. You will lose control and you will eat other people, if you can't see other people, you will start eating your intestines and stuffs. The same concept applies on the T-Virus of resident evil. xD My vote is, HE'S A ZOMBIE! |
im not suprised that i guessed right.
hmmm? i have my own topic? cool! ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
Black-Mage, sweet okay thank for the Promotion!and i wont troll
YamiTatsuro, rofl. xD Yeah, its not good really what they do to you. :/
At least we can safely say the zombie apocalypse isn't happening just yet. xD I almost felt unprepared. xD Black-Mage, right on the money with that one. Indeedy. Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting. |
YamiTatsuro, i think its more scary than cool, seriously, real talk. imagine the people who live in that area.
Added (2012-06-01, 1:57 AM) Quote (Paradox) BlackMage's Topic: HOW DO WE CHANGE OUR USERNAMES?!?! im going to try this again..... see if it works... ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
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