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[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Black-Mage, sounds like a japanese name to me.
Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - http://pixelkhaos.com PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos I can help you develop your site for a small fee. |
13053121k0, how did you cange your name???
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
Black-Mage, You're on japan, right? It's a japanese name, Yami means darkness, and Tatsuro is two japanese words. Tatsu + Kuro, kuro is black, and tatsu is dragon, so all in all, it's a gay name which means black dragon of darkness. it sounds gay on english, but on Japanese, it's awesome. :P
BassDropper6, they cant keep us from communicating in MASH lol
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
Black-Mage, Like A Boss, fo' sure
to bad we cant really work on the website....
◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
Black-Mage, yeah thats the part that sucks but ill try to sneak one in
BassDropper6, im in.
you can put more wallpapers on it if you want. i dont have any work to do wtf! i shouldnt be here. Added (2012-06-01, 0:33 AM) ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
Black-Mage, Alright
Pancake, uh, no. much worst
Added (2012-06-01, 1:09 AM) ◄]Registered 2012-04-15[► |
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