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Everything about design #993 goes here! |
I wanted to put a Code into a Menue, since i couldnt do this, i added it into the Menu Box:
http://oldscool.at.ua/Temp/deleteme.bmp But now is the Question, how i get the Sign (marked red) in the left of my Code? But if it's Possible, i would like it more, to input the Code directly under the menu. Basicly i just dont know where i find the Code which represents the $Menu$ Code <tbody><tr><td style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 15px;" height="35"><b><!-- <bt> -->Menu<!-- </bt> --></b></td></tr> <tr><td style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px;"><!-- <bc> --><div id="uMenuDiv1" class="uMenuV" style="position: relative;"><ul class="uMenuRoot"> <li><div class="umn-tl"><div class="umn-tr"><div class="umn-tc"></div></div></div><div class="umn-ml"><div class="umn-mr"><div class="umn-mc"><div class="uMenuItem"><a class="uMenuItemA" href="/">News</a></div></div></div></div><div class="umn-bl"><div class="umn-br"><div class="umn-bc"><div class="umn-footer"></div></div></div></div></li> <li><div class="umn-tl"><div class="umn-tr"><div class="umn-tc"></div></div></div><div class="umn-ml"><div class="umn-mr"><div class="umn-mc"><div class="uMenuItem"><a href="/index/0-2">OldSCool?</a></div></div></div></div><div class="umn-bl"><div class="umn-br"><div class="umn-bc"><div class="umn-footer"></div></div></div></div></li> <li><div class="umn-tl"><div class="umn-tr"><div class="umn-tc"></div></div></div><div class="umn-ml"><div class="umn-mr"><div class="umn-mc"><div class="uMenuItem"><a href="/load">Filebase</a></div></div></div></div><div class="umn-bl"><div class="umn-br"><div class="umn-bc"><div class="umn-footer"></div></div></div></div></li> <li><div class="umn-tl"><div class="umn-tr"><div class="umn-tc"></div></div></div><div class="umn-ml"><div class="umn-mr"><div class="umn-mc"><div class="uMenuItem"><a href="/forum">Forum</a></div></div></div></div><div class="umn-bl"><div class="umn-br"><div class="umn-bc"><div class="umn-footer"></div></div></div></div></li> <li><div class="umn-tl"><div class="umn-tr"><div class="umn-tc"></div></div></div><div class="umn-ml"><div class="umn-mr"><div class="umn-mc"><div class="uMenuItem"><a href="/index/sc_flash/0-4">Starcraft Flashgame</a></div></div></div></div><div class="umn-bl"><div class="umn-br"><div class="umn-bc"><div class="umn-footer"></div></div></div></div></li></ul></div><script type="text/javascript">$(function(){_uBuildMenu('#uMenuDiv1',0,document.location.href+'/','uMenuItemA','uMenuArrow',2500);})</script><!-- </bc> --> I wanna add this Code as new Item Code <!-- Collapse Box --> <p> <a href="#" onclick="collapse_menu(menu1, 0); return false">Starcraft Flashgames</a><br> <span id="menu1"></span> <script language="javascript"> var on_off=new Array(); var menu_code=new Array(); number_of_menus=1; menu_code[0]="Starcraft FA 2<br>Starcraft FA 3<br>Starcraft FA 5<br>Starcraft FA 5 SE<br>Starcraft RPG<br>"; for (loop=0; loop<number_of_menus; loop++){ on_off[loop]=0; } function collapse_menu(menu_id, menu_number){ if (on_off[menu_number]==0){ menu_id.innerHTML=menu_code[menu_number]; on_off[menu_number]=1; }else{ menu_id.innerHTML=""; on_off[menu_number]=0; } } </script> into there. I'm also interested, how i add such a Sign (red marked in screenshot in front of my entries in Generally. Also including own Signs then. Post edited by drunkenbird - Wednesday, 2009-10-14, 10:39 AM
I Managed it to fit better under the Menu, but theres a bigger space between the lines (marked red/green squares) http://oldscool.at.ua/Temp/deleteme2.JPG]Picture
How i get ride of that bigger Space? And if Possible, please help with earlier Questions too. Post edited by drunkenbird - Thursday, 2009-10-15, 11:21 PM
Ok, but the Question if i can Modify the Source code of $SMENU_1$ and if thats possible where can i edit it is uCoz related - isnt it?
And anyway, i think there are lots of all Posts on this Forum not directly uCoz related. There also a lot of Stickys that provide Coding information, not striktly uCoz related. It's realy hard to know, which stuff i may ask here and which not, cause the most Things are someway Code related but also uCoz Related. |
Quote (drunkenbird) Ok, but the Question if i can Modify the Source code of $SMENU_1$ and if thats possible where can i edit it is uCoz related - isnt it?
Quote (drunkenbird) And anyway, i think there are lots of all Posts on this Forum not directly uCoz related. There also a lot of Stickys that provide Coding information, not striktly uCoz related. It's realy hard to know, which stuff i may ask here and which not, cause the most Things are someway Code related but also uCoz Related. For example the Space i've been asking about, is probably caused by the $Menu$ Code, which is standard feature of uCoz. And in this way the most Questions asked here are related to uCoz. This might be not the recommend place to talk about this, but i dont know a better. All codes uCoz uses aren't made with new un-released coding program. All codes are familiar to public & to modify you must have knowledge. I am responsible for coding in SF & I don't need to explain how to replace banner or any other coding so detailed as I do it now, but I still do it. (SF - Support Forum) [... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
drunkenbird, in fact all questions about HTML, CSS and JavaScript are not really uCoz related as those are general knowledge and skills and there are a lot of tutorials all over the Internet. The fact that Dartz (or any other user) helps sometimes with such non-related questions doesn't mean that anyone can expect from him such help anytime, especially if it concerns third-party scripts. If a user wants to modify his website he should have at least some basic knowledge to do this and not to expect others to do this for him.
As for your problem - all codes you can access are in Customize Design section. If you want to add a sign in front of your entries you need to modify the corresponding template, most probably "Appearance of entries". As for your menu script - if you add a third-party script you must be able to manage it yourself. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
I need some help with this design 993
here is my website http://www.ripclansite.ucoz.com/ i want to replace the lineage banner with something i made i cant change the deminsions and stuff with my banner but how do i take the lineage thing out, where is it in the code? first container second container? and how do i replace it any help would be appreciated and plz dont call me a noob i know im a noob with this html scripting thing |
thats just it i don't know where to find my banner url if i did i would change it
can you help me find the code in the html? Added (2009-12-14, 3:51 Pm) http://www.ripclansite.ucoz.com/R.I.PBanner.gif |
By looking at your banner I can tell what dimension image you are trying to put.
Sometimes code requires to set image width and heigh by new parameters. CP -> Customize Design -> Site Pages -> Press F3 -> Replace: /.s/t/993/1.gif [... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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