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Add News Entry ------- But Not on Home Page
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 1 | 11:01 PM
<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add news entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$


i want to be able to add new entries on that page like my home page, but the news entries to only appear on that page, not the home page

Added (2009-12-14, 5:01 Pm)
also i have another question

on the control panel when it says additional options for the gender field and i put them they don't show up in the registration form but they do show up under members
Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 2 | 8:33 AM
Quote (MasterSha)
i want to be able to add new entries on that page like my home page, but the news entries to only appear on that page, not the home page

Read from this post http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/14-5682-33364-16-1245730341
Please search next time
Quote (MasterSha)
on the control panel when it says additional options for the gender field and i put them they don't show up in the registration form but they do show up under members

If you save the changes properly, it will appear.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 3 | 9:33 AM
Quote (MasterSha)
on the control panel when it says additional options for the gender field and i put them they don't show up in the registration form but they do show up under members

What registration form do you use? If uNet form then you can't edit it.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 6:01 PM
yes i can add entries to the page, but it appears on the home page, i just want to add entries to that page only

if we cant do this then can you all tell me how to rename the blog page

Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 5 | 1:55 AM
Quote (MasterSha)
yes i can add entries to the page, but it appears on the home page, i just want to add entries to that page only

I gave you the answer in my last post. Read the posts in the link.
Quote (MasterSha)
if we cant do this then can you all tell me how to rename the blog page

You want to Rename blog in site menu or want to rename the blog module?
If you want to rename in site menu - http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/8-5638-1
Rename blog module - CP - Substitution of default phrases

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 2:41 AM
listen.. im not trying to be rude but..... none of the stuff you showed me worked i tried everything on that first forum you gave me.. and nothing worked, so instead i decided to just use my blog i tried cpying the html code from that into a new page with the same result so i gave up, now i just want to rename my blog in the site menu

the forum you gave me doesn't really address my question.... and i've tried what it said, still.... it says blog

thank you all for trying to help me, but every answer you all have given me on these forums has not helped a bit i ended up figuring out how to change the banner myself by screwing around with the template

but thank you all for trying, i think it's great they have this support forum, i'm sure you all know a lot more than me with this stuff, but if i can give you a word of advice when helping others, please don't just tell them to go to other forums that indirectly answers their question and leaves them feeling confused... try to actually give them a straight answer

once again im not trying to be rude, im very sorry if i offended you all in some way

Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 7 | 3:05 AM
MasterSha, Do you want me to explain everything step by step? The question that you asked was already answered.
Quote (MasterSha)
i want to be able to add new entries on that page like my home page, but the news entries to only appear on that page, not the home page

Quote (Sunny)
Go to CP -> Page Editor -> Pages management -> "Edit information" for Main page or Home page-> Delete $LAST_NEWS$
Then go to CP -> Page Editor -> Pages management -> "Edit information" for this new page -> Paste $LAST_NEWS$ under ADD NEW ENTRY


Quote (MasterSha)
can you all tell me how to rename the blog page

CP - Site menu builder - Click the icon(like a pencil) near the blog, it will open a popup. Give the name you want. Click save changes.

I'm also not trying to be rude, but when we link you to a thread, we expect the user's to read it and experiment on their own. We can't explain the same answer for 100 times.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
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