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weather station
Posts: 32
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 9:16 PM
smile hi to all

Is there somebody who can help me clarify some questions.

I have my own weather station and want to upload my weather data as ftp to my web page update let say every 15 minits or so.
Is this possible or not?????
I have the option off 3 kinds off weather softwares : weather link, weather display, or virtual weather station.
Is there somebody who has this working ?????
It would be kind if there is somebody who can help me eventualy with the right configurations,as you must know Iám a total greenhorn with web site making and stuff,therefore I want to thank the people off UCOZ that made it so easy for me to make my first web site.
One more question I have to fill in the weathersoftware a field for server one example www.myserver.com what are the details for the ucoz server ????? or is that my website name ?????

cheers Chris

Post edited by Candy - Friday, 2010-01-15, 11:16 AM
Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 2 | 3:19 AM
Moved to "User Communication".
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 32
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 11:43 AM
happy Update.

I couple of things I was lucky to figure out all by my self. biggrin

It was possible to upload my html and ftp files , BUT.
Problem is now I want it uploaded to one of my pages BUT the upload ends up into the file manager ...I appericiate it very much if sombody can help me
with the info how i can arrange the upload to go directly to the page where I need it.
I have made a extra page called test so how can I get my files here directly during upload.

thanks in advance bstrgds Chris

Added (2010-01-19, 2:31 Pm)

Hi Tommy,

As there is not much responce I try if you can help me with some tips.

I try to upload ftp files , and that was succefull BUT the files are going to the file manager,so I can open them there.

But I want to send them directly to my test page how can I arange that ??????

If I want them directly to the following

www.,mysite.ucoz.com/index/test How to fixe that.

As I am not familiar with web site making any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance Chris

Added (2010-01-23, 5:43 Am)
biggrin UPDATE

I finaly solved the problem with some help from Sunny and I found the solution.
If someone ever has a problem like this or related just ask and I will try to share my knowledge,if you can't reach me true the forum just send me a PM.

Cheers Chris

Post edited by Candy - Saturday, 2010-01-23, 11:44 AM
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