Message # 1 | 9:41 AM

Online freelancing industry - that didn't even exist 15 years ago - has now the annual turnover of 1 billion dollars. And analysts predict that this amount will increase by 5 times in the coming years.

oDesk is the largest and the most popular freelance platform in the world. There are about 3 million specialists, offering their services in various fields, and more than half a million clients, offering jobs.

We are glad to announce that our users now have the possibility to find help in building and developing their uCoz websites through oDesk. And experienced users have one more possibility to offer their services and earn money.

We invite designers, HTML coders, PHP and JavaScript developers, SEO specialists, translators, copywriters, and any other professionals who may be in demand to join the uCoz group on oDesk. This will help you find customers among uCoz users to work on projects, as well as among oDesk users worldwide, much easier and faster.

Need a designer that will create a unique template quickly and inexpensively? A programmer that will develop a unique script? Or a translator that will localize your website into any language? It will take no more than 15 minutes! It is also not a problem to find an expert that specializes in uCoz.

At the moment oDesk is only available in English as the most popular language for international communication, but it won't cause difficulties for people who don't speak it well. The interface of oDesk is simple and intuitive. Besides, nothing prevents you from describing tasks in your native language.

Another advantage is the transparency, reliability and ease of payment transferring for services received. As a customer you are setting the price for your project yourself and sign a contract with those employees whose knowledge, experience and time schedule you are satisfied with, in a few clicks. Built-in ratings and reviews help to make informed choices, and then you have the possibility to monitor the progress of work and to control the process.

You can join groups, create an entire team of professionals to work on projects and bring them to a new level - oDesk has all the conditions for this! While many similar services earn from entrance fees and monthly payments, registration on oDesk is free.

Create websites with uCoz, find help on oDesk, embody your ideas and realize your capabilities with ease and comfort!

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