The update is available on all servers
This update is good news for the owners of online shops and for those who actively use the new social commenting system!
E-shop Updates
- Further development of the Recommended Products block: the possibility to specify the number of columns has been added: $RECOMMENDED_PRODUCTS$(M)?> - the 'Customers also buy' list. M - number of columns for items. If M = 0, the setting 'Number of columns for item displaying' is used. If the parameter is not specified, M is considered to be 0.
- The 'Select' option has been added to product options.
- The option of product filtering by a price range (from XX to YY) has been added. The option can be enabled in Control Panel in the module settings: select the Price parameter on 'List of fields participating in the filtering menu'.
- The bug with exporting products into XML has been fixed (invalid characters error).
- Background price list uploading: now you don't need to wait till a price list has been uploaded, after the uploading has started you can browse other Control Panel pages, the price list will still be uploaded.
- A bug fix related to clearing the Pros and Cons fields after submitting a comment.
- Watermark on images of the items uploaded via a price list.
- A separate permission in the user group settings to manage item counters.
Other Bug Fixes
- The bug with duplicate buttons in comments, when switching between photos.
- The bug with displaying social icon hints in Lightbox comments of the Photo Albums module.
- The problem of the visual editor "freezing" in Firefox and Chrome.
- The bug in Social Media Publisher when a new site owner could see reposts of the previous owner.
- The bug with Ajax page switching in Guestbook.
- A number of bug fixes for the spam filter.
Social Comments Update
- The work of comment settings and their saving has been stabilized. The bug related to default template restoring when editing the settings has been fixed.
- The work of $COMMENTS_URL$ in the Video module has been fixed.
- The bug of comment counting (including inactive comments) has been fixed.
- Support of RTL language social comments.
- Individual comment sorting for users has been added (display new comments at the top/bottom).
- The bug with page scrolling to a comment if the Ajax page switcher is enabled has been fixed.
- The 'Unsubscribe from notifications' link has been added to the comment posting form.
- Corrections in the PDA (mobile) version of social commenting.
- A button for local users login has been added to the pop-up login window of the social commenting form.
- The setting 'Forbid anonymous comments' has been added.
- The setting 'Enable default subscription to comments' has been added to the social comment settings.
- The uID icon in social comments has been hidden for websites with local users.
- The possibility of subscribing to replies to user's own comments has been restored.
- Social comments are enabled by default for all new created websites.
- The bug with displaying anonymous users in comment informers has been fixed.
- The Spam button is hidden for user's own comments.
- The Spam button has been added to the page with user's comments.
Please note that the changes marked in this color will become available after you restore the default comment form!
Interesting solution - a slider for the price filter :)
Connect jQuery UI on the 'Goods catalog' page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/.s/src/jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/smoothness.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/.s/src/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js">
Add the slider block code where you want it to be displayed, for example:
<div id="price-range-2"></div>
Create the slider code:
range: true,
min: shopFilterMinPrice,
max: shopFilterMaxPrice,
values: [shopFilterMinPrice, shopFilterMaxPrice],
step: 1,
slide: function(event, ui){
change: function( event, ui ){
// Remove the commenting for the line below
// if you need the filter to work instantly
//return priceFilter('price', ui.values.join('|'))
You can find the available parameters at
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