Social Sign-Up + Customization of Fields
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 3:58 PM
The update is available on all servers

We've all been waiting for this day, and today we can proudly say "The day has come!". After several months of development and testing, registration with social networks becomes available for all websites created with uCoz!
Here is how it may look on a website:

  • social sign-up is only available if the uID authorization method is enabled on a website;
  • registration on a website is now available at;
  • the registration form remembers the entered data when you close or refresh the browser tab;
  • social comments have been replaced with the social sign-up, and users who log in with their social accounts to comment are automatically signed up.

- Will social sign-in be available for local users?
- Yes, but at this moment we are unable to tell how soon.

Let's see how it works and where it can be customized.

Customization of fields: 2 sign-up steps!

No more multiple fields in the registration form. The new registration feature is simple, and site administrators can choose themselves what fields and on which step will be filled in by users. All these settings can be found in Control Panel -> Users -> Module settings:

- Will custom fields be available in the registration form?
- Yes, we are already working on it.

In addition to fields customization you can fully manage the layout of the uID registration form. The "uID users registration form" template is responsible for it:

Social network settings. Custom apps.

If you want to deactivate certain social networks or connect your custom applications to track registration statistics and use custom app icons, you can do this in the Users module:

Here you can choose the necessary apps or create custom ones, set App ID and Secret Key.

Login form: customization of elements.

There are new options in the Users module settings:

Connecting profiles on a website.

You have a uID account on a uCoz website, and you want to connect your social accounts to it? Open your profile and click on the icon of the social networking site you want to connect:

For this feature to appear on user profiles, site administrators must restore the default template in Design Customization, or paste the following code into the template:

<script type="text/javascript">
function uSocialConnect(obj){
       var social ='-')[1];
       obj = $(obj);
       if(confirm('Do you really want to disconnect the account??')){
       _uPostForm('',{type:'POST',url:'/index/sub/', data:{a:4,s:social}});
       }else if(!obj.hasClass('wait')){
       return false;
<style type="text/css">.social-accounts { padding:10px 0 3px }
       .social-accounts .is-connected { opacity:.2!important }
       .social-accounts .wait i { background:url(/.s/img/icon/ajsml.gif) no-repeat center center!important }
<?if($_IS_OWN_PROFILE$ && $SOCIAL_LOGIN$)?></p>

<div class="udtb" id="block17">
<div class="udtlb">Social accounts:</div>

<div class="social-accounts">$SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS$</div>

That's it for today! But it doesn't mean we've stopped working on the social sign-up. We have a lot of interesting in store: new social networks, custom fields in the uID registration form and more. Follow the news!

Have any questions or suggestions on the new sign-up? Feel free to post them below!

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 31 | 3:12 PM
Eriko, so, the user had a local account. Then you enabled uID users on your website? But his account still remained local, and social sign-up is not available for local users at this moment, so that's probably why a new uID account was created.
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Pokémon Master
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Message # 32 | 2:27 AM
oh. so dots are ignored by the system? biggrin That's cool.
Posts: 14
Reputation: 0

Message # 33 | 4:18 AM
Very nice! I am impressed by the new functionality. I have been wishing I could edit the registration page on my site for a long I finally can!
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 34 | 12:21 PM
Eriko, and how exactly have you come to this conclusion? biggrin I wrote nothing like that. It looks like the new uID profile was created because the old one was local.
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Message # 35 | 1:28 PM
My registration page( ) reloads automatically.

Another problem is when i use the function "Use your own app"(facebook) in the social login, then the login with facebook won't work.
Attachments: 2736132.gif (85.6 Kb)

Post edited by Mar1aN - Wednesday, 2014-08-20, 2:00 PM
Posts: 1768
Reputation: 78

Message # 36 | 3:08 PM
Quote Mar1aN ()
My registration page( ) reloads automatically

Delete this line from the uID Users registration form template:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=">

Quote Mar1aN ()
Another problem is when i use the function "Use your own app"(facebook) in the social login, then the login with facebook won't work.

Ensure that the Facebook application isn't in Sandbox mode.

hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 192
Reputation: 3

Message # 37 | 6:28 PM
Thanks bigblog, there was a wrong ucoz conditional with a meta tag, probably from the update, i've corrected it.

Quote bigblog ()
Quote Mar1aN ()
Another problem is when i use the function "Use your own app"(facebook) in the social login, then the login with facebook won't work.

Ensure that the Facebook application isn't in Sandbox mode.

My application was not in Sandbox mode, the problem was i didn't added my website address in Settings -> App Domains.
Now it works. biggrin

Posts: 1768
Reputation: 78

Message # 38 | 10:17 PM
The update is available on all servers.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 640
Reputation: 7

Message # 39 | 6:29 AM
Sunny, can i use both uid and local login?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 40 | 11:17 AM
dense0293, no, it is not possible. Well, if you have local users and then switch to uID, local users will remain local and will use their usernames + passwords to log in, but all new users will be uID users.
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Message # 41 | 3:03 AM
It seems social account can not revise basic information in their profile. I change these information on my uID ( but it did not change at local site. I try to use administrator account to help but it is impossible either.

I think we should have someways to let user edit their basic information (birth day, first name, last name, gender...) on their profile.

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 42 | 1:02 PM
Hi Sunny,

I tried to use my own app , logging in and everything works with facebook. But i have a small problem that you might be able to fix with help from Tech Support.

I get this error when i use my own app and not a full page app usage form like the uCoz social login.

Attachments: 5088727.png (141.5 Kb)

To busy building a passive income online ;)
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Message # 43 | 6:35 PM
Sorry but my english is bad tongue
This is what I wanted for a long time , but now it is not consistent with a blogger . My site is a blog, and only me and a few of my friends can post , so I do not use the function register . I only use "social comment" to the comments made ​​convenient , it is simply using 2 buttons and you can comment .But with the "social register" comment becomes difficult and longer , they must be enter the information personal, codes security and may be authentication email receiver only for work that can comment once , and they become members that can not post or do anything other than to comment . The membership management becomes difficult for us while we do not want users to register .
What I want to just two functions "social comment" and "social register" operation independent of each other. Or "social register" option "to register to comment, do not create a member account" .
Thank !
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 44 | 6:48 PM
kelvingari, social register is equal to social comments , you can register with 1 click and start commenting , thats heaven for bloggers as far as i'm aware. But uCoz is still working hard on the social part of logins and much more so just be patient uCoz has much more under their sleeves smile

But I would recommend you to use the suggestion form here to be more spefific about what you want.

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 45 | 12:13 PM
Quote Good ()
It seems social account can not revise basic information in their profile. I change these information on my uID ( but it did not change at local site.

The info changed in should change on the website as well (except for the username). Did you try to relog in?

Animorph, this isn't really an error, it's just a warning visible only to you as the app developer. Other users can't see it.

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